Arianna smirked and crossed her arms, giving a nod towards Charlotte. She guessed that if she was living by herself in the forest to begin with, she must have been just have capable. [color=#bb0000]"Well, even so, make sure you watch your step, alright?"[/color] As soon as Arianna began to make more small talk, a new mysterious figure stood up from a nearby table, wrapped in a hooded cloak. [i][color=#bb0000]Gee, what was with all the cloaks around here?[/color][/i] She saw everyone seem to turn their attentions towards her, and even the focused Mayor Dink was swayed by the new face. Then, just as the room grew quiet, and the figure stood in front of the band, silencing them by just her mere presence, it would seem that the next logical course of action was to tear off her cloak and reveal herself to the Inn as a beautiful, powerful-looking female who was up to something very, very important. And tear off her cloak she did to reveal but a child, but barely past double digits in age. If it wasn't for the aura that she possesseed to capture the audience, Arianna would have been bent over, laughing her poor head off at the small child. As soon as her excited speech ended, which added to the comedy of the situation, she felt a small pressure on her lap. A small box, just materializing from thin air it seemed. At that point the situation was all too much for her to contain. It started small and soft, a few chuckles, before the room started to pick up and she absolutely lost it. She picked up the box off of her lap to set it on the table so she could bend over in her chair to laugh. It took a good solid and enjoyable minutes for her to stop, righting herself and wiping a tear from her eyes. [color=#bb0000]"Well, how about it! Looks like it was some kid goofing off in the woods after all!."[/color] She looked over to Charlotte, who had opened her box to find another cloak for her. Truly, it must have been a new fashion trend. She never understood young girls and their one-foot tall heels and so on. Arianna went to retrieve her box from the table, curiously finding it instead in her lap again. She eyed the thing, cautiously opening it, eventually shaking the caution away once she found what was inside. She held the beautiful, well made golden compass in her hands, examining it closely in the light of the Inn. [color=#bb0000]"Well, would you look at that..."[/color] She set the compass in the center of the table for Charlotte to see. [color=#bb0000]"Now how do you suppose miss 'Harvest Goddess' got a hold of something like this?"[/color]