[hider=Kara Tyrrhan] Name: Kara Tyrrhan Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Orryxian Appearance: Kara stands at around 1.40m, or 4'7", which, yes, is positively tiny compared to humans, but average for an Orryxian female. As typical for an Orryxian, who have to endure the nickname "Cats" from humans all the time, Kara has two cat-like ears with white fur on top of her head as well as two grey-blue eyes with slitted pupils and fangs in her mouth. Otherwise her face is human-like, but with a feline touch. Both her hands and feet sport five fingers and toes equipped with retractable claws. Another very noticeable difference to humans is the long, white tail sticking out where the tailbone would be for a "normal" human. [hider=Le pictores] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KpQ8uFXl.png[/img] [hider= Out of combat garb] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1141/b432ba0ef1cf2cc826a7338d6975e82ffcf43a9a.png?1188898[/img] [/hider] [hider= Battle Armour] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/8/86/Marine.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140603192318[/img] [/hider] [/hider] Personality: Kara is pretty cheerful all around, especially during times in between missions and jobs, joking and playing around, but she can get pretty serious, too. When in highly volatile missions she gets very businesslike ordering and following orders, although she does like to throw in the occasional joke from time to time. From her looks one might think of her as a shy and reclusive person, but Kara is quite the opposite, oftentimes pestering people to tell her their problems. You might say, Kara could be somewhat therapeutic to be around. Most tasks she does with high enthusiasm, at least initially. When a mission proves to be a boring or menial task, she can get quite annoyed and impatient, which is something she knows she has to fix if she wants to succeed in her career and, of course, she is already trying to work on having more patience. Profession: New Republic SpecOps Marine Skills: [list] [*][i]Blast 'em into Space[/i]: As a Republic Trooper, Kara has to be not only skilled with a blaster rifle, but also rocket launchers and other explosives. [*][i]Capital Ship Pilot[/i]: Instead of piloting regular starfighters, which she is able to do decently, Kara trained in steering bigger vessels, especially corvettes or frigates, but also up to Star Destroyer sized ships. [*][i]Go to Flanking Speed[/i]: Through her already pretty extensive experience and her teachings at the academy, Kara has developed a strategic and tactic mind. [/list] Abilities: [list] [*][i]Luck of the Force[/i]: Kara is force sensitive and it clearly shows, but she has no idea that she actually is. With her latent force abilities come things like luck and precognition of certain events. [/list] Equipment: [list] [*]BlasTech E-15 Blaster Rifle [*]Standard issue Republic SpecOps armour. [*]Old Republic Consular-class Charger c70 retrofit [/list] Brief Backstory: Born on her species' home planet, Orryxia, under the iron rule of the Empire just about around the Battle of Yavin. After the fall of the Emperor, the Eriadu Authority tried to restrain the population of Orryxia trying to finally overthrow the Empire's rule when the Stormtrooper Garrison started firing on the masses also killing Kara's parents in the process. Just a few minutes later, the New Republic Liberation Forces arrived and took her in. From that time on, she was raised as a trooper and even further as a special forces trooper. [i]Note: Although not around her species for long, she is still able to speak her native language fluently.[/i] [/hider]