[b]Name[/b]: Sulik [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Trandoshan [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ji2cBSB.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Sulik is, as any good follower of the Scorekeeper is, obsessed with showing off proof of his conquests and successes. He is ruthless, smug, and loathes to give up on anything once he sets his mind to it. [b]Profession[/b]: Circumstances have forced him to take on jobs as a solo mercenary. Before, Sulik was a member of one of Trandosha's most prestigious clans. [b]Skills[/b]: Sulik was trained by the best his clan could afford, and is a masterful murderer. Blasters, vibroblades, and traps and grenades of all kinds are all wielded by him with skill and finesse. Sulik has also been given lessons in ship piloting, basic first aid, economics, sewing, and taxidermy. [b]Abilities[/b]: As a Trandoshan, Sulik can speak both Dosh and Galactic Basic, and can slowly regenerate lost limbs. Sulik has contacts throughout the underworld, thanks to his extensive networking prior to his clan's destruction. [b]Equipment[/b]: Sulik's most prized possession is a full suit of Mandalorian armor the clan had looted when Sulik was a hatchling. Carried alongside the suit is a pair of crushgaunts, modified to allow for Trandoshan anatomy. This suit of armor is decorated with a massive number of trinkets and body parts taken as war trophies. In combat, Sulik wields a [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/b/be/DP-23rifle.png/revision/latest?cb=20080210142458]DP-23 Rifle[/url] for long-range engagements. If forced into single combat, he wields a 5'' durasteel vibroknife with accompanying buckler. If Sulik knows he needs to subdue his enemies with less-than-lethal force, he prefers to use his personal [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/cd/Trandoshan_suppressor_pistol.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111105174651]Trandoshan suppressor pistol[/url], given to him when he came of age. Sulik flies a [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/f0/XS800schematic-SS.png/revision/latest?cb=20110217133541]XS-800 light freighter[/url], the [i]Elaborate Gesture[/i]. The [i]Elaborate Gesture[/i] is staffed by his clan's five remaining members, and is the sole remaining sign of the Twin Suns' former glory. [hider=Brief Backstory] The Twin Suns were a notorious mercenary clan working around the Outer Rim. Staffed almost entirely by Trandoshans and bound by blood, the Twin Suns were almost more of an extended family than a militant group. The Twin Suns took any jobs they could get, and did them with brutal efficiency. During the Clone Wars, the Twin Suns were used as both elite commandos and shock troops. Perhaps their greatest success was their nearly-successful capture of the [i]Acclamator[/i] class assault ship [i]Prosecutor[/i]. Unfortunately, in doing so, they came to blows with Delta Squad, one of the Republic's finest and deadliest squads of clone commandos. The Twin Suns were soundly routed and crippled for years, and forced to take on mediocre security jobs and petty wetwork. Fortune favored the Twin Suns again as they were hired by the newly-formed Empire to maintain a security detail in a system frequently harangued by rogue Mandalorian warriors. Though the job was mind-numbingly boring at times and extraordinarily dangerous otherwise, it paid handsomely and gave the Twin Suns a number of worthwhile trophies. Tragedy struck when a rival Trandoshan clan was hired to [i]help[/i] the Mandalorian warriors in their banditry. The two clans fought bitterly, and both found themselves evenly matched. Just as both clans had found themselves in a stalemate, their employers struck. Both the Mandalorians and the Empire had betrayed the mercenaries under their employ, and both clans suffered horrendous losses. The only reason the Twin Suns survive to this day is because Sulik and his crew had split off several months earlier to hunt down a valuable bounty. Sulik quickly and violently assuaged his crew's worries, and set off into the wild black yonder in search of a way to either revive his clan or die gloriously. Sulik now wanders aimlessly, taking any jobs he can get and spreading his legacy.[/hider]