[right][color=7bcdc8][b]Wayne Holt[/b] Hogwarts Express[/color] [@Apokalipse] [@HushedWhispers][/right] [hr] Wayne's brows rose when Simon complained about trash talk. That was just friendly banter; he was making a declaration. Well, he supposed - in the half second of thought he gave the comment - it could be seen as a bit haughty. Oh well. He chuckled softly, stepping to the side to give Murry a clear exit. Considering he wasn't going to be chased away by a bit of attitude - if anything is solidified his resolve to take a seat here instead of just continue moving on - he came in and sat opposite Simon. Argint followed, hopping up onto the seat and laying his upper body on Wayne's lap. He chose his phrasing carefully, an effort to not start up a conversation by mentioning the one subject he despised almost as much as his parents. [color=7bcdc8]"I just survived a night with the most pretentious arse I know. A ride with you will be like a vacation, honestly."[/color] Not as good as actually being at Hogwarts, but close enough. He offered Mina a smile and nodded his head. [color=7bcdc8]"In or out, princess. Unless you want to cross your fingers to find another compartment with seats."[/color] With the darkness rolling in, his smile faded as his attention turned to the window. Careful study of the scene out the window when it started to frost over started to take his full attention. It wasn't the ruins that had his attention. Only one creature caused the kind of affect that seemed permanently cast over the old school. He wasn't exactly afraid of dementors - he wasn't his parents, he swore he wasn't - but they still made him uneasy. One would have to be daft to not feel some urge of caution around the things. Hell, he didn't even like talking about them, like one might sense it and show up. User of dark magic or not, they didn't exactly distinguish those that had a bit of darkness in them from those that actually gave into it. [hr] He breathed a bit easier and managed his nearly ever present smile almost as soon as the darkness lifted. It was just his mind messing with him, he knew, but dementors showing up for him was something that came to the back of his mind every so often. He couldn't blame that fear entirely on his parents - no matter how much he tried. Like with every pass or even mention of the ruins, he couldn't pass the thought of how interesting and exciting it would be to explore them. There had to be lots of power soaked into that rubble, and just as much danger waiting for someone to find it. With the new school coming into view, and the instruction of the professor, Wayne pardoned himself from the compartment; Argint followed without any instruction needed. He wasn't exactly looking to be punctual in getting changed into his robes. His new reading material needed to be properly concealed, least a professor or some nosy housemate stumble upon it. The last thing he needed was any kind of discussion with anyone about his interest in that kind of magic. He decidedly took his time, more interested in continuing to socialize at this point than returning to a seat, putting the final touch of his robe over his uniform into place. The train came to a stop; his signal to finally get the garment in place while exiting the train amongst the flow of fellow students. No matter how many times Wayne arrived, the school always astounded him. The vastness of the grounds and structure, the expanse of 'forbidden territory' begging for him to explore it, worked wonders to egg on his desire to skip the boring ceremony and head off for some fun and excitement. Like every other year, though, he followed along once he saw to his bags being attended. There would be time to lose points for Gryffindor later. As soon as Wayne was seated, Argint sat between his feet. No safer place for the cat to be than under a bench and between his feet; a habit Wayne taught his pet ever since getting him. It also put the feline in perfect food sneaking position. Greeting the few new housemates, he piled some food onto his plate. After cutting up the chicken he took for himself, he started eating the roll he took while sneaking a piece of the meat down to Argint.