[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ScJlgK7.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gVWaXA1.gif[/img][/center] [color=#816687]Most of the crew will be human, with a few Altorans among them. By this time in their history, humans and Altorans gets along very well. Although most Altorans returned to their planet after Earth achieved peace, a few preferred to stay. Their offspring have integrated into Earth society, but they are still fairly uncommon. Other alien species can be created with a detailed description. [/color] [color=#816687] [i]The modern human: [/i] Humans have evolved slightly over the centuries. Although they appear the same as they have for hundreds of years, they are slightly more intelligent. They are still born with an innate fear of things different from them, although by adulthood, most have learned to overcome it. They despise being held captive, even if their captivity isn't unpleasant. They are strong willed and resourceful. Perhaps their largest evolution is their slowly increasing sensitivity to ESP, or extrasensory perception. Some humans have higher ESP ratings than others, and those ratings are rarely ever used to benefit nor exclude anyone. All this means is that certain members of the human race are more sensitive to things that your other senses cannot pick up, such as magnetic fields, radiation, the influence of telepaths, ect. [i]Altorans:[/i] [url=http://i.imgur.com/0Zv4QsZ.png?1]Altorans[/url] are very different from the humans of their sister planet. To start, their species is sexually amorphic, meaning that, to an outside species, their males and females are virtually impossibly to tell apart. Both genders have skins that varies in shades of blue, an average height of five feet tall, golden eyes with pink irises, horns, and bright colored hair. Neither have distinguishable features that set the two genders apart, however, males and females do exist. The species reproduces via extended physical contact between a male and female with designated parts of the body, usually being the hands. Because of this, Altorans appear to be amusingly prudent. Most find the human urge to casually touch one another while conversing, or any sort of PTA, incredibly inappropriate. As the two societies have mixed over the past century, this has become less prevalent, but still existent. Another notable feature of the Altoran race is their telepathic capabilities. Born almost blind, they learn to establish telepathic bonds with other, seeing lifeforms to make up for their own lack of sight. On their own planet, these lifeforms are often highly trained pets. But on Earth, where having an animal around at all times isn't always convenient, they have adapted to form these bonds with human friends. Altorans form close bonds with those around them, and those within their trusted friend circle are often used to see the world through their eyes. Humans with higher ESP ratings make these bonds easier. Alone, without a mental link, an Altoran is truly blind. Aside from using their abilities to see, Altorans can use their telepathy to make up for what they lack in physical strength. Although an inherently peaceful species, they can use their mental capabilities to defend themselves by attacking their enemy's mind. Pain can be artificially placed into their opponents mind, hindering, even killing, them if necessary. Suggestions can be put into another's mind, although mind control is out of the question. And mind reading can be accomplished via contact to the forehead.[/color] [color=#816687] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/hXsKGwsat02Pe/giphy.gif[/img][/center] The ship will need the following before the start of the RP: [b]Captain: [/b]Captain Isam Barad [b]First officer/ second in command:[/b] reserved [b]Third in command:[/b] Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Emerald [b]Doctor:[/b] [b]First class security officer:[/b] reserved [b]First class science officer:[/b] [b]Chief Engineer:[/b] Nikita Rosalie Fay [b]Helmsman:[/b] [b]Communications officer:[/b] [b]Navigator:[/b] [b]Engineers:[/b] [b]Security Officers:[/b] _______Petty Officer Mackenzie Searoby Other ranks can be created [/color] [color=#816687]Character forms most include the following. More fields can be added if you please. Name: Age: (18+) Gender: Species: (If alien, please specify if their species is classed as civil or savage) Rank: Role: ESP rating: (High, medium, low) Personality: Appearance: History: [/color]