[img]http://i.imgur.com/NZUUrmU.jpg?1[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Mackenzie "Kenzie" Searoby [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Wolpine, savage species [b]Rank:[/b] Petty Officer [b]Role:[/b] Security officer [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]ESP rating:[/b] Medium (Mild empathy) [b]Personality:[/b] Kenzie is a bit of an odd character. Found by the crew aboard an abandoned slaver ship, the man has been a little off since the first day he was brought back to the crew. He has displayed nothing but gratitude since his rescue, but although he means well, Kenzie is a little rough around the edges. Having pleaded to be allowed to stay with the crew to repay his dept, Kenzie was made a security officer due to his strength, durability, courage, and hand to hand fighting skill. But he's been known to use a little more force than necessary at times. He's a bit of rough neck, often times not realizing his own strength, or the strength of those he's tussling with. While sparring with fellow officers in the past, Kenzie had been known to accidentally injure them. For which he is always incredibly sorry, but it happens all the same. Aside from his violent fighting skills, Kenzie is pretty well behaved. He does what he's told to the best of his skill, and does his best to stay out trouble. He's kind of like a large child in that he has a knack for getting himself into messy situations. However, he is incredibly loyal to his crew. He's often kind to others, with a soft spot for those he favors, easily excited, and courageous when he needs to be. He does, however, still have nightmares and flashes back to when he was working for the slavers, against his own will. These episodes are best dealt with by getting him to relax and perhaps giving him a mild sedative to let him sleep them off. [b] Appearance:[/b] Kenzie has a very muscular build. He's very solid and stocky, standing only at 5'5". His skin is a dark tan color with a multitude of scars spreading across it. He has black hair and dark brown eyes. His hair, worn long and wavy, extends into a sort of mane that runs down his spine. He has thin tufts of hair on both of his ears, which come to a point and are mildly flexible. His back has darker brown spots that freckle it. His nails come to a point, almost like claws. He has more body hair than the typical human male, but with a more fur-like consistency. In his resting form, he has a short, stumpy tail that protrudes from his spine. It's not long enough to cut a hole in his pants for, so few people even know about it. Kenzie, being a Wolpine, has the ability to morph into a werewolf-ish creature. He grows dark brown fur, long fangs and claws, a tail, and golden eyes. His strength and stamina is almost doubled. Intelligence in this state is, however, brought down almost half. Uncontrolled or enraged, a shifted wolpine acts almost as though on some sort of pcp: aggression is high and self preservation is low. [b]About the Wolpine:[/b] The Wolpine are an old race from the savage planet of Talga. Their society is very dog eat dog, with no real government to make overall laws. Needless to say, their planet is classed as savage. They survive by forming packs with three to four different families. These packs build villages and defend them from other packs. Strays and loners usually don't live long on Talga. The entire species has the ability to take on a wolfish form. In this form, they have increased strength, speed, and senses. It's typically used for fighting, and thus feelings of rage or fear can bring the creature out, whether the wolpine wants it or not. Shifting is pretty difficult to control, and once it's begun, it's even harder to stop. In their wolfish form, they are more prone to rage issues and lack of self control. However, with practice, they can eventually control their shifting, and even do it on will. Their diet consists mostly of animal protein. They hunt in groups of five or six to bring down the large game animals that roam their plains. Wolpine have a high metabolism, and must eat every five hours to remain comfortable. Wolpine are a popular slave species due to their savage strength. They make great soldiers, and are often used as such by other races to fight their battles. Sometimes they get paid for their servitude, and sometimes they don't. Either way, they usually have no choice when it comes to being taken from their planet. At one point, the entire species was at war with another, the Galodians, over their planet. The Galodians had invaded and proceeded to hunt them like animals and sell the captives. They finally won the war, running the Galodians off of their planet for good. The wolpine celebrate several holidays, the biggest being Valenhop: a celebration of when their species won the Galodian war. It's typically celebrated by large feasts and gift giving. All pillaging and fighting is paused for one day of peace and coming together. Another popular holiday is Matesren Day, when the wolpine celebrate their mates by giving them gifts and special attention. The wolpine's courtship process is fairly standard. They find someone they get along with well and court them for a while before deciding to tie the knot. Wolpine couples usually produce litters of two to three, and are able to do so every two years. There is a bit of gender inequality among their species, with females typically being the more aggressive and thus the ones in charge. [b]History:[/b] Kenzie was born on Talga, and raised there for most of his life. When he was 23, however, he was captured by a soldier ship and sold to be a warrior for some other race. He had no idea what the war was about, or who the two sides even were. Him and several other soldier were placed on the battlefield with tracking devices on them, and given little choice but to fight for their lives. After each battle, they were collected again. Many tried to run, but the tracking devices made it impossible to hide. The punishment afterwards made the attempts not worth the effort. Kenzie was in the middle of trading hands, being transported on a soldier ship to a new war, when his electronic restraints malfunctioned. Kenzie was able to free himself and wreak havoc on his captors. This, however, left him floating in space on a ship that he had no idea how to pilot. He had been on the ship for several days when the Jubilee stumbled across it. He had managed to set up a distress signal to try and get help, and the IGSA ship responded. The scene inside the ship was pretty gruesome. A starving wolpine among several corpses and broken machinery. Mackenzie was taken on board the Jubilee and put in holding until they could figure out what to do with him. He managed to plea his case and was freed, but he didn't really want to go back to his homeworld and risk the chance of being captured again. So he stayed with the IGSA and began work as a low ranked security officer. Having worked well with Captain Barad's crew, he was re-assigned to them for his first, full mission.