[quote=@Sen] ... Wouldn't that "male feminist" actually be a "meninist", considering the topic being representing males in media (lol)? Y'all are so quick to associate any bad sj stuff with feminism. [/quote] Its because radical feminazis are at the fore front of all those bat shit insane SJ crap. Like the thing in colleges that "colleges shouldn't be a 'place of intellectual learning', but a 'safe home'". The entire "safe space" movement baffles me. Yes, I see a point in its origins, but when you have people sign petitions [b]to ban the freedom of speech[/b] because people "feel uncomfortable" when certain people say certain things. Something else that bothers me is how most feminists on social media will always play the victim card, saying they have "PTSD from Twitter comments" or "need a bodyguard when going out in public". Yet they will viciously tear up people who go against them with a witchunting mob-mentality like that one scientist who [b]actually broke down in tears because of a fucking shirt he was wearing.[/b] He actually deserves a bodyguard, not the women who are afraid of the "piercing stares of perverted men who catcall and objectify them" and the "dominating patriarchy which derives pleasure from subjugating women". Or the feminazi who snapped back at a marine who said that she can't get PTSD from Twitter trolls and threatened to call the guy's commanding officer (as if they'd be on her side; fucking asshat). Amongst the other things that feminists have done/promoted that piss me off are: - The idea that gender is but a social construct (its not) - Men and women are completely equal and that its the patriarchy that stops women from going into STEM fields (no its not, its biology at play) - Saying that a man being homosexual is his choice while a man being heterosexual is the result of society (dafaq? This is more hypocrisy than the medieval Catholic church.) - Man-shaming by saying that its wrong for a man to find a sexy lady attractive (Again, trying to override biology) - The entire subject-object relationship they speak of (it can actually be used in almost anything in life; the relationship between you and your boss can also count as it) - Video Games cause sexism (bitch its already proven that games don't cause horrible mental changes in people. This is also gate ways into a whole host of other stuff) - Not understanding why some women don't like modern feminism and label them "misguided" or "oppressed by the patriarchy" - Celebrating when women make more money than men [b]even though gender equality doesn't mean the same as women getting paid more than men[/b] - Mob mentality and victim playing - "Everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic." (I realize this has turned into more of a personal ranting instead of an answer/reply to you [@Sen], please forgive me) /endrant [hr][hr] EDIT: Anyone else notice how most feminist/SJWs are all middle class white women or white knights (who are trying to get laid by saying they're 'feminists')? I find it interesting how in history its usually the black, the asians, the natives, etc etc who draw the short end of the stick yet you don't hear them complain as much or get nearly as much media attention when they do.