[center][img]http://img.moviepilot.com/assets/tarantulaV2/embedded_images/1377768428_vampire-academy.jpg[/img][/center] The school, Saint Valerius Academy is a year-round academy that's located in a relatively remote place in Northern Europe, with the closest civilization being the town nearly twenty miles distant. The academy proper is atop a small hill in a valley, surrounded by lush, heavy forest. Its classes are for a high-school only, with college level classes available for the more advanced students. Dorms are provided on-site, and located away from the main school buildings. With each advancing grade level, students are awarded with more freedom(Both in selecting classes and outside of school hours.) One day(Sunday) is given as a relaxation day each week, and the students are allowed off the premises to go to the village. The Nobles are sons and daughters of the very, very rich, making this a school that's very exclusive and almost impossibly(For an average person)expensive to afford. In return, the school promises to create an exceptionally safe(Via both the highly-trained and paid guards, and the Knights) learning environment that promotes interaction and skills that such future captains of industry would need. While all the classes are available to everyone, the Nobles will only get Nobles as classmates, and so on(The Knights may, in fact, sit in on these classes). The Middle Class are usually local children who graduated with exceptionally high grades from their schools, and got a scholarship into the academy. The others that make up the Middle Class are rich(But not the super-rich) who can afford at least some of the school's fees and then the sons and daughters of the faculty and staff. Knights can be selected from the Middle Class, but more often than not they are transferred into the school for the explicit purpose of being a Knight to a specific noble. [hider=More Things Explained] [b][u]Duels:[/u][/b] Duels are a more specialized way of climbing the rank very quickly. For a Knight to enter a duel seriously, they must be ranked. Each Knight, beginning the duel, gives up their pin, the representation of their rank. Each is given a basic sword and a shield, and then they battle. The victor is the one that does not concede defeat and/or the supervising faculty deems the winner while watching (They are given rather strict training on when to do this, such as if a student might get seriously injured, or if the battle has gone on for a very long time, they must try to find a winner so that the Knights do not fight themselves to death.). The winner then gets the pin (out of the two given up) with the highest rank and moves on. The loser gets the lower pin and must accept it. There are extreme cases where the pins the Knights get at the end of the duels do not remain the same (as in in some cases, the teachers will elect to move a Knight up or down the rank forceably.) however the rule is to treat the duel as over when it is over and the ranks as solid until the next supervising session. If a Knight loses a duel, they are allowed one consecutive duel before they are suspended from calling duels for the next month. [b][u]Ranks:[/u][/b] There are a total of 25 ranked positions each with their own specialized pin. They go down in number and color as you get higher up the rank. Rank 25 -16 are bronze, Rank 15 - 6 are silver, 5 - 4 are gold, and 1 is purple. Every other week or so, the Coordinator makes rounds for "Rank Sessions" where he/she watches several Knights brawl with each other and then assesses their rank within the school. All students are watched, however only those that are Ranked are watched by the specialist (Coordinator), others are simply watched by normal teachers. After the "Sessions" are over (often without the knowledge of the students) a board is posted with the Rankings (one is also posted online on the school's website via the Newspaper 'Club'). The other unranked students remain unaware of their progress towards the rank but are allowed to seek advice from teachers about what they could do better. It should also be noted that Knights are not only ranked based on fighting ability, but on a whole expanding to their studies and social life (what the teachers see of it, anyway). [b][u]Dorms:[/u][/b] Each dorm is associated with a class level, however Seniors need not stay in the senior dorms. However, freshmen must stay in the freshmen dorm. Each dorm as it travels up the class level, also travels up the other 'class' level as it increaces in price. The dorms are all co-op and males and females are even allowed to stay with each other depending on the family's wishes. Knights are generally required to stay with their nobles in the same dorm room and so each dorm room comes with one large bedroom and one smaller one for the Knight. All students in the school are required to stay on the campus for training purposes. [b][u]Weapons and Technology:[/u][/b] This world is fairly advanced, taking places several years after our own modern day. However, there is one alternative event that never occured. Gun powder was never invented in this world. The world runs on energy found through different sources and all of it's weapons are either melee or things such as bows and are mechanical creations for ranged combat. If you'd like to suggest a weapon type, please bring it up with me and we can talk about it. I'm not the end all be all when it comes to technology and how it works, but I'd like to at least try to understand the new weapon you'd like to bring into my RP. [b][u]School Rules:[/u][/b] They don't have many, but Students are only allowed to leave the campus on urgent business or otherwise on the weekends like everyone else. The closest nearby town is a 30 minute walked and is called Little Helm and many of the school's students hang out around there on the weekends (it's apparently become a tradition to hold a dance party every Friday night in the Little Helm local bar). Nobles are not allowed to fight in duels, but they can call them for their Knight. If a Noble breaks this rule and fights in an illegal duel, they are put under Dorm Arrest and they cannot leave their dorm until the suspension is lifted. Their Knights will get all food, schoolwork, and other such things as the Noble needs during this time. Duels are absolutely not allowed without faculty supervision. And, any faculty caught allowing an illegal duel will be punished severely along with the students. If a Knight breaks this rule, they are put into forced detainment and punished (Usually through pretty harsh training) and a Substitute Knight is called in from the Institution (a place where Knight gather and are hired, ye.) [/hider] [hider=RP Rules - Please Read] 1) Save the drama for your mamma. Drama should be dealt with in PM, not in the OOC. Drama in IC, however, is perfectly fine so long as it does not bleed over into the OOC as drama between RPers. 2) GM and co-GM reserve the rights to kick players out of RP for reasons they deem... well... reasonable. These could include disrespect, lack of posting for extended periods of time, or other various malconducts. 3) This RP is posted in Casual. There is a three line minimum and grammar is expected to at least be legible. Please try to proof-read to make sure your posts are making sense. 4) The minimum posting schedule should be one post a week. More is fine so long as it does not leave other players behind. (A loose posting rule may be put into place should it become a problem.) 5) In the effort of keeping things even, please make at least two characters. Whether they are Knights or Nobles doesn't matter but they will need a pair. PMing prospective partners is a good way to get someone to help make a Noble/Knight pair with you! PM the GM or co-GM if you are having trouble and need someone to help you. 6) Please make sure that if you have plans that they are run by either the GM or co-GM before implementation. That goes for changed character background, plot ideas, etc. 7) Follow basic RPG rules, if you are unfamiliar to them, please PM me. I will get on to you for breaking these rules so make sure you know them well. 8) The GM and co-GM reserve the right to change these rules anytime they see fit. 9) Please, Please always keep the best interest of the RP in mind. That means being mindful of how what your character does affects the RP and the world and whether or not to do said action. Just... be mindful. 10) If you've read the rules, please tell us who your favorite video game/anime/manga/TV show Character is! 11) Have fun! :3 [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet Basics] Appearance (Picture with description preferred, Anime or Digital Art. Please include height and weight) Name Age Gender Knight or Noble? Class (Freshman - Senior and above) (1st year, 2nd year, etc.) Personality Background/History Rank (If Applicable, not every Knight needs be ranked.) Knight or Noble (For the paired character) Preferred Dorm [/hider]