[h3]Knight Ranks[/h3] 1 Henry McGregor (NPC) 2 Isaac McGregor (NPC 3 Corenthia Jones (NPC) 4 Raven Elemez 5 Cain Yuver (NPC) 6 7 8 9 Shaw Noire 10 11 12 13 14 15 Evangeline von Liette Kiermo III 16 17 Olivia Sparrow 18 Ethan Walker (NPC) 19 Link Wallace 20 21 22 23 24 25 Noble + Knight Pairings: [center] Noble || Knight Criston Cross || Cain Yuver Cedric Green || Ethan Walker Marie Constantin || Isaac McGregor Ivan Stone || Henry McGregor Philip Parish || Corenthia Jones Lillian Carmen || Link Wallace Evantide Fi Conwell || Nolan Winters Charlotte Aldora || Olivia Sparrow Ezra Galatea || Evangeline von Liette Kiermo III Elizabeth Valterra || Raven Elemez [color=red]???[/color] || Shaw Noire [/center] [hider=Little Helm Shops WIP] Little Helm is the small town located nearby the school and it is a place of hang out on the weekends for Saint Valerius students. Little Helm Shops/Buildings - Barber - Clothing Shop (Boutique) - Hannah's (A small bar and grill) - Courthouse -Knight Outfitters - Bar - Graveyard - Cafe - Local School System (Little Helm Elementary, etc etc.) - MartMart (WalMart) [/hider] [hider= Dorms WIP] Freshmen Dorm: http://i.imgur.com/rhhbQ07.jpg Name: Edward Hall (Feel free to change, I'm just makin' shit up.) Sophomore Dorm: https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/1779941_973095179418445_4186915598072196091_n.jpg?oh=309d464a195f52c5c7e843c53c85657c&oe=571BFBEC Name: Anne Hall Junior Dorm: Name: James Hall Senior Dorm 1: Name: Elizabeth Hall Senior Dorm 2:http://i.imgur.com/dgvJrf7.jpg Name: The Village [/hider] [hider=Areas on Campus WIP] Gym Main Office President's Office Dean's Office Meeting Room (For Representatives and such) Nurse's Office Infirmary Teacher's Lounge Classrooms Stables [/hider]