[b]Sasha's location: Room E302 (biology)[/b] Sasha became confused once again when the teacher told the class to open their books to page 83. [i]What books?[/i] she thought. Not knowing what else to do, she looked around and eventually underneath her desk to find a textbook labeled "BIOLOGY" and a pencil. She grinned a little as she deduced the Olympians must have provided her with these supplies, since everyone else seemed to have brought theirs - a point proven moments later when a boy from a few rows behind her raised his hand ([i]is that the custom for asking a question?[/i] she thought) and said he didn't have a textbook. Sasha was comforted knowing she wasn't the only one who had no idea what she was doing. After turning her book to page 83, she looked around again and noticed that everyone else had a book of blank pages of some sort, which she assumed was for taking notes, and wondered if the teacher (or the other students) would remark on her lack of a notebook - she remembered everything permanently after one reading or hearing so she wouldn't have to take any notes. The teacher began teaching the lesson beginning on page 83 and Sasha gradually drifted away from what the teacher was saying as she immersed herself in the book. She read page after page quickly, learning things about a subject she knew nothing about. She was already on the next chapter when the teacher walked up to her. "Sasha, since you seem to be so interested in the book, can you tell the rest of the class what the key organelle in photosynthesis is?" The teacher asked, intending to catch Sasha red-handed not paying attention. "Chloroplasts," Sasha responded immediately without looking down at her book. The teacher raised one eyebrow, not expecting a correct answer. "And where is that in the book?" the teacher countered. Some of the class murmured on how hard the teacher was being. "Page 86, paragraph 2," Sasha responded, again without looking down. The teacher took Sasha's book, flipped a few pages and then gave it back to her. "That is...correct," the teacher said, visibly vexed. She was about to walk away when her eyebrows popped up, presumably from a thought she had. She was a mood to test Sasha. She took Sasha's book again and looked at it, saying, "What sentence?" More murmuring. "The third one," Sasha responded. The teacher handed the book back. "Alright, I give up. Carry on," she said and stepped away to continue the lesson to the entire class. [i]What an odd first day,[/i] Sasha thought.