[h2][color=green]A day dead: day 1[/color][/h2] [color=green]oh god what the hell happened?[/color] Shiba groaned out rubbing his head as he sat up realizing he was on top of a building. This wasn't the first time Shiba would wake up on a roof somewhere honestly the booze can do crazy things sometimes. Shiba slowly got up thinking that he might be hungover but in reality his head just hurt but that was a simple reason since anyone who slept on a roof would have something hurt. Shiba looked around and went to the railing nearby and looked out to see he was actually on top of a school building of all things. The odd thing was that Shiba has never seen this school before but maybe he was supposed to be here? Maybe his parents transferred him to another school although it was doubtful that he would have changed school unless this one was more prestigious. Shiba then noticed that he had on some strange uniform it was completely black which was actually nice but how did he even get it to begin with? did he steal these cloths from someone else as a drunken prank? Well it didn't matter Shiba needed answers that much was certain so he would need to find someone probably a principle to start sucking up to saying how he will have fun here and enjoy school life like it was rehearsed but in reality was ready to give every teacher the middle finger because he wants to. Shiba then started to walk down the stairs nearby to look for some adult or whoever could give him answers...