[quote=@Simple Unicycle] The night passes by, and soon it is sunrise. Vor and David, after settling things in Old Man's Corner, came back to the Sky Citadel, and Albert, Tim and Lawrence arrived soon after from Vault 81 with Initiate Jenni Kowalski. Everyone is getting ready for the attack on the Enclave, who've been holding out at Vault 81 since a few hours after Lawrence, Albert, Tim and Jenni left. Thanks to some of the holodisks the quartet found in the Vault, thanks to an AI who revealed it to them after they helped it, the Brotherhood's productivity has increased tenfold thanks to new info and data. So now, the ranks of the Brotherhood, including the wastelanders, ghouls and super mutant they recruited, are preparing for an attack on the Enclave. Thanks to their greater numbers and the giant construction bot they found, the Brotherhood has a great advantage. All of the Brotherhood members being sent out are equipped with power armor and assault rifles, save for a few Paladins and Knights. "Well kids, you ready to raise hell on those Enclave bastards?" Paladin Lawrence asks the group, a large, cocky smirk on his face. [@Letter Bee], [@Trevor1001], [@Lord Coake], [@Vulkan], [@Hjalti], [@Chronothesis], [@Combo move] TL;DR: Ready to raise hell? [/quote] Paradise 'Par' Rapids, due to his low strength and endurance, was not in the front lines, but had chosen to accompany the attacking force anyway. At his advice, the Brotherhood, under Elder Mavarek, was sending out drones and scouts in order to scour the area for any snipers. Tom was also given the duty of keeping an eye out for 'that Enclave sniper from Liberty Isle', the one who had helped destroy the boats... [@Vulkan], [@Trevor1001]