[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QVJPa75.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=708090][b]SOLIDER Base; Deployment Dock Number Four [/b][/color][/center][hr] Did Kain just threaten him? As in, was “And if you give me a nickname, I give you a caved in skull” an actual, serious, threat or was the titan joking and forgot to that he had facial muscles? So hard to tell with these military types. If it were the latter, however, he’d need to change his exercise menu: less push-ups and more smiling. The rest of Kain’s muscle-bound body had enough muscle mass as it is; they don’t need any more attention. “Well it [i]was[/i] going to be Fluffaluffagus, but now I’m starting to think I should’ve chosen Grinch. Seriously, did no one teach you manners? Is that how you talk to everyone? If someone brought you an extra glass of water that you didn’t ask for do you say ‘no thank you’ by saying ‘You bleeping bleep-bleep! I gonna pull out your spine for that! Grrr!’” Hal demonstrated how pathetic the basic bodybuilding poses looked on a man who just barely had enough muscle on him to qualify as an active SOLDIER. “Congratulations! You’ve successfully committed verbal assault! Tsk, tsk, soldier, tsk, tsk. You’ll only make more enemies with that kind of language.” Rubbing his chin with the tips of his fingers like a villain from the old movies, Hal studied the mountain of flesh called Kain, and based on the bountiful wisdom he [s]clearly[/s] possessed, decided to do exactly what Kain asked him —although not in the most polite fashion— not to do. “You know what? I would have called you by any name you wanted me to if you just asked nicely, but since you decided that threatening to crush my skull was the better choice, I’m going to call you Honeybun. Yeah. That’s right, Honeybun. And it’ll stay that way until you learn how to ask things from others politely, young man. In fact, every time you fail to do so, the nickname will become increasingly embarrassing and/or more suggestive to the point that rumors will start to spread about how... ‘close’ we’ve become.” Hal placed his hands on his hips and let his chest puff out in petty triumph. An impish grin spread across his face, “I don’t have a single shred of dignity or pride left in me. I don’t even have to worry about how good or bad my reputation is, because, quite frankly, it’s a lost cause. But you… you still have all that. Hey, maybe even more! You might have a bright future ahead of you in this career! So what’s it going to be, [i]Honeybun[/i]? Learn to ask nicely, or get used to the long list of pet names I’ll be calling you. Oh, and the weird looks people will be giving you every time I say them to you.”