[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjg4MjAzYi5UMjRnZEdobElFaHZjbWw2YjI0LC4w/coasterposter.regular.png[/img] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/84bc67d45c4e2f3f22ca28c1c95d3b44/tumblr_n7g8z1BMnc1s60n45o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1][u][color=88203b]Posting Rules![/color][/u][/h1][/center] [list][*]We expect at least a paragraph or two of detail and interaction. Also, try not to stall a scene when people are eager to move on. Obviously, not the most important rule, but if a scene goes on for way longer than it needs to, then try to wrap it up as best you can. [*]Try not to reiterate as much as possible. Of course, some is fine and necessary. But if 80% of your post is "he said this, then this happened, then she replied this and my char nodded along" without adding much to the existing interaction, it gets pretty redundant. [*]We expect a moderate understanding of grammar and spelling. You can be Ernest Hemmingway and have the most simplistic sentences, or you can go Dickens level of run ons, as long as I can read them. [*]IC Drama is awesome, just don't make it over the top and entirely unnecessary. And especially don't let it bleed into the OOC. [*]No speed posting! You should wait at least 2 posts after yours to post once more. This does vary if you play multiple characters. If you've posted for character A, you must wait two posts to post for them again. But you could post for character B without waiting for two posts after character A. [*]Collaborations are awesome and encouraged, but [b]not[/b] mandatory. However, if it takes [i]too[/i] long for you to get a collaboration post up (like a week), just post what you have, even if it's incomplete. [*]Just because the IC is up, don't forget to check in and chat in the OOC, and chatzy! [*]We expect posts, at the very least, once a week (not for each character, though, so like you can post one character a week if you want lol)! Collabs all that jazz. Notify us—COMMUNICADO—if you're having an issue and need more time. Otherwise, you know, all that goodbye jazz after two weeks of no communication. [*]I do have a plot in mind, so I expect you to at least attempt to follow it, but I very much appreciate creative freedom. Just know if I say a post I make is important, I expect it to be read at least once, i.e. the first actual post of this IC. [*]No godmodding either. D:<[/list] [hr][hr] [hider=Posting Format] [code][center][img][/img] [img][/img] [i]""[/i] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] [b][u]Interaction:[/u][/b][/center] [ hr][ hr][/code] or [code] [center][color=][h1][/h1][/color] [i]""[/i] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] [b][u]Interaction:[/u][/b][/center] [ hr][ hr][/code] Add or Subtract to your heart's desire <3[/hider]