[center][h2][color=92278f]Sophie Castellia[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h2]Thursday Morning, Arlington VA[/h2][/center] To call Sophie nervous as she locked up her bike just outside of the small, one-story building that served as Sector X's ground floor. She'd been self-conscious enough riding the beat-up, old, and far past secondhand thing the short distance from her apartment. And now she was about to stroll right into a building full of people she didn't know for work where she couldn't even hazard a guess what she would be doing. Not to mention the risk, diminished or not, that she might kill any one of them by accident. She closed her eyes for a moment and forced herself to take deep breaths. She would be alright, she needed to stop worrying so much, and she needed to get on with it. Being tardy on her first day would do nothing for a first impression. Especially if she was tardy because she was too paralyzed with worrywarting to walk through the front door. She pulled out a sheet of paper from her pocket, unfolded it, and looked at the directions she'd been given. Cassie had sent an email the night before detailing where she was supposed to go and how to get there. Sophie nodded once, refolded the paper in her hand, and stepped toward the door. After a minor fiasco involving getting a Visitor's Badge for the day, she was in the elevator with several other people going down. As the other, older employees chatted about her, Sophie just leaned against the back wall and quietly wished she could fade into the wallpaper. When her floor came up, she managed to scoot past with a brief [color=92278f]"Excuse me"[/color] and then followed her sheet to what she hoped was the right Conference Room out of many. With another deep breath, she quietly opened the door and poked her head inside to take a look. Nobody else was there, except for another girl around her age with curly brown hair with a golden-furred dog sitting at her feet. [color=92278f]"Umm... hello. Is this the..."[/color] she looked down at her paper again, [color=92278f]"Recruit Orientation?"[/color]