[b]Rathe (/rayTH/) Catanzano[/b] [hider=Rathe] [IMG]https://40.media.tumblr.com/571a820d024eb8fb0050f82f70ffddc1/tumblr_nzuieoOIUF1qbspupo1_500.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] 27|March 30|5'6"|115 lbs. Appearance: [B]Description[/B] Rathe is a lightly built young woman, though not frail in appearance, with dark eyes and espresso-brown hair that falls well past her shoulders in long ropes, though she invariably dyes some of the locks red, black, both, or something else entirely. Her features are soft and vaguely Italian in origin, though her multi-hued hair tends to make the connection less obvious. When she speaks, she's prone to voice her opinion without filters in the thick flourishes of an Italian accent, complete with an array of regional colloquialisms that betray her worldliness. Her choice of language fluctuates, and can do so mid-sentence, from Dutch or English to her native Italian. While she tries to catch and correct herself, others are often left to their own devices in figuring out the various pieces of her fractured sentences. Her dress is eclectic and tends to portray her moods, ranging from a more comfort-oriented base state upwards, but is always fashionable if not also a tad revealing. Any bared portions of her skin tend to be adorned with tattoos of various sorts, some with rich, vibrant colors and others of a more monochromatic tribal sort. She's fond of drink and can often be found perched atop a bar stool wreathed in a cloud of cigar smoke and smelling of booze. The latter penchants frequently gain her entry into the conversations of men, who find in her an attractive and engaging drinking buddy. [B]Personality[/B] Generally speaking, her demeanor is warm and vivacious - she laughs easily and is frequently flirtatious, though seldom genuinely interested in pursuing things further. However, little provocation, either real or perceived, is required to bring out a more flippant persona that eschews authority and can be outright confrontational. In light conversation, she's downright chatty and easily able to carry on for hours; however, when pressed about herself becomes evasive and is quick to change the topic. It takes little time to discern that the young woman is an idealist, though the principles that drive her may be less certain and she's seldom forthcoming about them. The handful that can call her friend find her a loyal and resourceful ally, in whom they can place their complete confidence. Others will find in her a pragmatist that's more than capable of thriving in virtually any environment and willing to beg, borrow, or steal her way to any end. While not prone to quick provocation, her fuse has been decidedly shortened of late though she attributes it less to general edginess than lack of sleep. [B]Before “Open Waters” (Background)[/B] He must've dozed off, as a chime at the door caught Jørgen quite by surprise. Rathe was no longer lying beside him, which caused a momentary panic until his ears caught the sound of the shower running. Quickly, he threw a sheet around his waist and answered the door, leading the room service attendant quietly to begin making arrangements on the balcony overlooking Amsterdam. No sooner had the attendant been tipped and shooed off, than Rathe emerged with a towel wrapped snugly around her. "Buongiorno dormiglione." With one hand holding the towel in place, she wrapped the other around his neck and pulled him closer, the pair sharing a long kiss that might've led to more had his resolve not been steeled by the lateness of the hour. Soon, she'd be gone. Breaking away, he motioned for her to sit, pouring her a mimosa and taking the seat across from her. He waited impatiently, nerves wreaking havoc with his insides, for her to lift the silvery cover from her plate. No sooner had she done so, then she replaced it and rose from the table. He sat there for several moments, his mind empty from the shock of having been so thoroughly rejected, until she returned fully dressed and bent down to kiss his lips gently. Her voice was soft and barely more than a whisper, "Yes, but that's your grandmother's ring. There's no way I'm gonna risk losing it." His confused mind turned over what she'd said, which his gut told him was yes ... she said yes! Didn't she? Finally, he found his voice as the door swished open to allow her into the hall, "Hey, did you just say yes?!?" "Sì" Rathe blew him a kiss, and then she was gone. In her imaginings, she'd wanted so much more than a night of passion punctuated with a bittersweet note, but knew nothing remained for her there. The job had been simple, like a dozen before - a specific place, a specific task, and the tools to accomplish it. They paid well and the arrangement, albeit unusual, had been so fluid as to become routine ... until now. However, fortune smiled in the form of an anonymous payment and the name, [i]Crescenzo[/i]. [B]Strengths[/B] Rathe is an exceptional artist, much of her talent being attributed to keen perception and attentiveness to detail. It's common for her to notice things that others overlook, though the most subtle of these may be captured as a general impression that's hard to articulate. Given time, however, Rathe can usually render them visually through her art. That, and her vagabond lifestyle, have developed a sort of situational savvy - she can handle herself and is confident in her ability to do so. She's fluent in Italian, English, Dutch, and German. [B]Weaknesses[/B] Rathe tends to be irresponsible, at best, though reckless is more the norm when it comes to herself. To say that she spends a significant portion of her waking hours under the influence of one thing or another wouldn't be an exaggeration, especially of late. More recently, she's also begun to suffer from insomnia, which has greatly exacerbated her substance issues.