[@Bassummoner][@dndragons] Naoto held the book tightly in it, at that moment, the book became something precious to him. Naoto smiled, wondering why the Harvest Goddess gave them these things. It seemed there was something on the mind of Harvest Goddess, would these things even benefit the owner? Naoto couldn't think of an answer. [color=fff79a]"Oh, I get a book, a guidebook perfect for my job."[/color] Naoto answered. Naoto had an extensive collection of herbs in his home, used to prepare medicines that he sold to his patients. He believed that he could harvest several herbs from the Gnarlwood Forest, too bad he didn't know the way around the forest. Anyway, he shifted his attention towards Freya, and saw that she received a beautiful locket. It seemed she was having some trouble with it. Naoto decided to help her with her locket. It was somewhat in his nature to help someone in need, so, you could say that it was his male's instinct working. Naoto was about to stand on both of his feet, but a woman came first towards Freya's side. The blonde woman suddenly appeared from somewhere else and it seemed she had her eyes on Freya first. She obviously outstripped Naoto, and Naoto couldn't do anything about it. Naoto returned to his seat and leaned his back against the chair while looking at both of them. [color=fff79a]"You outrun me, Girl."[/color] Naoto chuckled at the situation.