Lyriia cowered in the tree as the scratching grew closer and closer. Then, just as she figured the creature was going to claw its way into the hollow with her, there was a [i]THWACK[/i] and a yowl of pain. And then a distant thump as the cat’s body hit the snow. The girl peeked out of the hollow, her wings twitching nervously. She jumped back into the shadows as another fairy came up right in front of her, a bow in its hand. Reaching for the dagger at her waist, she peeked out of the hollow again. [i]"Are you alright?"[/i] the other fairy asked her. Judging by the pitch of its voice, likely a male. For a moment Lii just gawked. She couldn’t see the fairy’s face, between the dark and the shadows, but she could see his wings, illuminated by the faint moonlight from a break in the clouds. His wings were large and shimmery and brilliant blue… Lii felt her own wings, small and rather plain by comparison, going limp with envy. [color=7bcdc8]“I-I’m fine…”[/color] she whispered. [color=7bcdc8]“Bit shaken up, and I don’t know where I am, but I’m fine. I think you saved my life… That cat was going to get me if you hadn’t shot it.”[/color] Then she realized that if the other fairy was going to kill her, he likely would have done so by now. She sheathed her dagger and stepped out of the hollow. [color=7bcdc8]“Um, I, I don’t, I don't know where I am… I should be getting home…”[/color] she said again, slightly confused. Tilting her head back to look at the sky, then looking down to the ground, trying to figure out where she was. How far had she come in the blind chase? [color=7bcdc8]“I don’t know…”[/color] she whispered again.