[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7CWQrJr.png[/img][h2]Rima Miyazaki[/h2] [hr][h3]Training Ground 11[/h3] [hr][/center] Just as he took cover, Rima distantly heard the woosh of fire from behind him and summed it up to their assault being ineffective. Unsurprising, since they were three kids fresh from the academy facing a jounin experienced in the field for who knows how many years. [color=862d86][i]’Kinda disappointing though, he hardly seemed fazed.’[/i][/color] Enforcing his thoughts, the cocky grin on Hideo’s face made him wonder if they had any effect on him thus far. Roughly he reached the position where Jiro was last estimated to be, obviously the boy having vacated it with his prior attack. [color=862d86][i]’We’re not going to make much of a difference at this rate.’[/i][/color] Figuring he wouldn’t catch the younger boy any time soon he took the time to peek back into the clearing, just in time to see their sensei drop a smoke bomb and cautiously waited for it to disperse--only to now see three sensei standing in the circle once it cleared. Carefully sidling out once he realized it wasn’t a screen for a retaliation, he made yet another split decision for himself. As much as Rima didn’t want to displease his teammates, he couldn’t exactly ask their opinions when he couldn’t even get their attention in the first place without alerting their “enemy” and he already revealed his only ace when it came to a ranged technique. Taking a quick glance around he noticed Kiyoko preparing to draw her bow again, Jiro probably not far behind to prepare another near simultaneous assault. The older teen rushed chakra through his fingers and forcefully pushed them into the ground and violently pulled another slab from the ground, this one rough and misshapen around the edges due to his haste, dropping all attempts at camouflage in that moment [color=862d86][i]’I want him to be distracted. If it helps my squad mates, then all the better.’[/i][/color] Quickly pivoting on his feet, again he threw the larger piece with as much force he could after Kiyoko loosed her first arrow, not quite having the speed to sync his attack with hers. The teen let the slab of earth fly a moment before pulling his kaiken into his right hand and rushing in behind it, using it as a cover between himself and their sensei and hoping to Kami he wasn’t spotted immediately for his practical insanity--and nearly staggered at the sudden loud crack, immediately diverting half of his attention to where it came from. [color=862d86][i]’What the hell was that!?'[/i][/color] Three shuriken were launched, their arcs wide which he assumed were to attack Hideo and his two clones along with something that shot through much faster than the weapons currently flying, [color=862d86][i]’Did Kiyoko miss?’[/i][/color] He wasn’t sure, nor was he certain on what Jiro just did just yet a little too preoccupied with his own mission and could only hope it wouldn’t literally blow up in his own face like the shuriken before. Rima continued running, shadowing just behind the thrown piece of earth and carefully charged himself with another technique. Unlike Land Reflection, this one took more chakra due to it invoking an element instead of practicing control and he had to maintain it on his body until contact and the afterthought crossed his mind that if this were any other technique he knew, it would have required hand seals and he has dumbly occupied one of his hands before rushing in. The teen would have face palmed if he didn’t have a sharp object in one hand and building electricity in the other, [color=862d86][i]’Hindsight is always twenty-twenty but now is not the time to think about it!’[/i][/color]The hairs on his arm and neck stood on end as static buzzed across his skin in a low hum, if anyone were to touch him at the moment they would be in for a literal shock. It was a nasty surprise when unexpected though nowhere near debilitating, maybe enough for one to flinch or to cause a muscle spasm nothing more. [color=862d86][i]’I just hope this is unexpected enough for our objective, and if not...I’m probably going to be in a world of pain.’[/i][/color] Having reached his target, a little too distracted with his thoughts to really register what Hideo did to counter their continued assaults beyond vague acknowledgement he would swing the dagger from the side aiming towards their sensei’s kidneys, keeping his other arm up defensively in case. Rima wasn’t putting much faith in his attack following through, against his better judgement he was hoping that his sensei would make a grab at him (rather than straight up punching or kicking his ass out), get a shock and hopefully give him a second’s worth of advantage and push him out with force. They were nearly the same height, he was maybe an inch or two shorter than the man but he was wider than Hideo. Maybe he would have a chance? [color=862d86][i]’Nah...I probably should have prepared the med kit.’[/i][/color]