[center][color=limegreen][b]Victoria Kistler[/b][/color] [color=gray]Location: Hogwarts Express->Hogwarts Grand Hall[/color] [@McHaggis] [@Potter][/center][hr] Victoria had arrived late onto the Hogwarts express, and found the train with most of its compartments packed with people. Finally managing to find an unoccupied seat in one of the cabin compartments, she sighed, her face downcast at the thought of not seeing her friends, Tessa and Morgan. Esepcially, Morgan. It has been a while since she last saw him, and would be thrilled to be see him once more. Taking out a book on Defence on the Dark Arts, Vickie began reading up on one of her most favourite subjects. Pouring over the content, page by page, without anyone to disturb her, time soon went quickly by, before she settled into a slumber, the thick book still in her hands. She was finally roused from her sleep when cries of alarm spread through the crowded compartment. She jumped in shock, awoken by the sudden commotion. The book dropped onto the floor with a 'THUD', but the noise went unnoticed, the cacophony of voices overpowering it. The cabin had gotten darker than it had been and much, much colder, the windows frosting up as the train passed what seemed to be the old Hogwarts grounds with an army of Dementors, the source of all the darkness, frost and commotion. Several of the students were crowding near the windows, others were huddled by their seats. Victoria did neither, sitting in her seats as she observed both the reaction of her peers and the Dementors floating around outside. Soon enough the train left the site of the old grounds, and with that the Dementors, restoring warmth through the length of the entire train. It wasn't long before they reached the new school grounds. Groups of students flooded out the various train compartments, starting to file into the great hall of the massive structure. Her own luggage was handed over to the stewards who came to handle the baggages, ridding the students of their burdens as they prepared for their dinner in the massive hall. Students took up their place at various rows of long benches that lined the entire room, the upper years grouped up by their houses. The first years were gathered in front near the sorting hat, where they would go through their selection of the houses to come. Victoria finally arrived into the hall, following the rest of the Slytherin students making their way to an empty seats, or simply looking out for their friends. She craned her neck out for such, looking out for Morgan and Tessa. She finally spotted them somewhere down the line in one of the tables not too far from here, and began walking towards it. As she approached them, Victoria took up a seat next to Morgan, with Tessa close by. She gave a friendly wave as she said [color=limegreen][b]"Well, look who it is! Morgan Pryde, It is GREAT to see you again!...And you too Tessa!"[/b][/color]