[quote=@Daxam] "If you're serious about the job offer," Zac says to the barista as he sits back down, "then I'll gladly take it!" Turning back to Livius, he adds, "And as much as I appreciate the offer, I don't think I'm ready. I still need to work out some tweaks in my escape, namely not drowning. But, if you keep that offer open, then I'll gladly take it once I know I'm ready!" [/quote] "Great," the barista replied, we can discuss a working schedule whenever you'd like. As the two young men were digging into their food, Shizuka stepped back into the employees only area to check her cell which had vibrated. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [i][color=0072bc]Sounds awesome Shiz! Can I meet you at the Shine City Aquarium at 2:30? I'll try and wear something nice haha! see you there xx[/color][/i] [/quote] Shizuka smiled; she loved the aquarium, and it wasn't just the 'cute' or 'pretty' fish, sea mammals, and sea-fowl that she liked, Shizuka appreciated the magnificence of all forms of biodiversity, including crustaceans, cnidarians, and mollusks. She particularly liked the deep-sea exhibits, where the corridors were kept dark and everything was bathed in a blue hue, with cylinders of jellyfish floating about. Shizuka really looked forward to this outing with Nick. [hr] Sunday, 10:22 AM Shizuka was working the morning shift at The Shining Kettle again. She hadn't heard Zac's schedule negotiations with the barista, so she didn't know if he'd be in today. "Umm...miss? Two lattes please?" The order from the slightly disgruntled customer brought Shizuka's mind back to reality. [color=a187be]"Y-yes, of course, will that be all?"[/color] "Yeah." Shizuka took the order to the kitchen and let out a sigh. She was preoccupied. Her date with Nick kept nagging at the back of her mind. For her part, she had enjoyed seeing the aquarium with him, but there was an unsettling undercurrent. Shizuka could tell by the end of it that Nick was uncomfortable, perhaps even hurt. He had expected something from her that she didn't reciprocate. He had asked several probing questions, made a few tactful advances, but she had diverted them without realizing what she was doing. After all, he couldn't be attracted to her, right? She was too plain, too old-fashioned; while he was young at heart and unique. And he hadn't known her for very long. But she couldn't just let things stand the way they are, not until she apologized and got to the bottom of this. Shizuka knew from his radio show that Nick was an admirer of women; if he did in fact like her, she would probably tell him that he deserved better. She sent a quick text, [color=a187be]"Hey Nick, after we met at the aquarium, something's not sitting right with me. I feel I need to apologize. Can we talk?"[/color]