[center]~| Day 3, 20:25 - 20:30 GST |~ ~|Location: Mos Eisley, Tatooine within Egrens shop|~[/center] The dust in the crowded little shop was only outmatched by the amount of sand the room boasted, though on Tatooine sand was the only constant on the warm and desolate planet. His fur had long since become coarse since coming to this world, it used to be quite an impressive and well looked after coat. The benefits of being raised in the Jedi Temple and having what many would class as a [i]well off[/i] upbringing. Now his skin was as dry as some of the relics he worked with in this old and cluttered shop. He chuckled at that slightly. He owned a [i]shop[/i]. He doubted his parents whoever they were had pictured that in his future as a Jedi. Though it served a purpose, there was some form of income and a roof over his head. It also gave him good reason to go hunting all forms of artifacts and a location to store them without raising suspicion. Nobody cared about some old collector, however if he went around brandishing a lightsaber while on the hunt for goods… that would raise considerable suspicion. Egren would be the first to admit, it wasn’t the most time effective method of hunting down what he was looking for but then he had partially moved on from the original mission he had been given long ago. The council were so short sighted, blinded by the war. There was so much more to be discovered, so much more that needed to be discovered. Even on a world such as this! Which came to the final reason for owning a little antique shop. While it did not happen often, there was the odd occasion someone came with an item to [i]sell[/i]. While being on a world full of outlaws meant that there were those who would try to pawn off fakes when a genuine article came along it was quite often truly fascinating. Even a little item passed from one trooper to the next held a story, it was all piece of the puzzle. Though then again, most the locals didn’t get the significance anyway. More often than not he found his shop referred to as a [i]Pawn Shop[/i]. While at first he had been reluctant to accept the brand name he eventually relented and just went with the times. That didn’t mean that he would still buy any old junk, no. He still had standards to uphold, besides the local attention had attracted a much larger market through legal back channels. While he knew many Jedi would likely frown upon him using the black market he felt it was entirely justified. Besides, it’s not like it is illegal to use the black market on Tatooine anyway. Not really, it is only illegal if it is against the local laws and Tatooine is a lawless place.