Yutaro stared out the window with a grimace. Rain sucked. It made your socks soggy, ruined your hair, and made everything ten times colder than it needed to be. Rain was probably the reason that pre-historic men chose caves to live in; even they knew how much it sucked. Oh, and what if you wanted an ice cream cone? Could you eat that in the rain? No. You couldn't. He was just grateful he didn't need to wear glasses, because he was sure they would fog up the second he stepped outside. And on a Sunday too; it was supposed to be sunny on Sundays, not rainy! With a sigh, Yutaro turned on the radio as he prepared himself breakfast... Actually, it was raining; he didn't feel like preparing breakfast. He just grabbed a pack of Natto and called it a meal. It was always amazing how that Nick Weston guy could be so cheery on a rainy day. Maybe there was a patch of sunshine over the radio station that was brightening up his mood. Anyway, it seemed that Iruka had caught his attention somehow. It seemed cruel to broadcast such a demure girl's name over the radio like that, but such was the way of the media. "...Just don’t get caught ogling the pretty florists like Kaori Tatsumia..." Kaori? That was the same name that had brought about Ryoki's... episode... last night. Was it the same girl? Nah, that would be too much of a coincidence. Well, since it was raining, Yutaro figured there was no better day than to sit down and veg out with some Netflix. He considered briefly playing some video games, but he was pretty damn sure that the rain caused every game to lag. So, he grabbed his remote, pressed the power button, and... nothing happened. "You've got to be kidding me," he muttered as he rapped the remote against his leg and tried again. Still nothing. The power was working and all the wiring was fine, so it had to be the batteries. "Fine... let's see what you take." Triple A. Of course it was triple A. It wouldn't be double A because he already bought a 50-pack of those on sale last week. He looked out the window one last time. Well, it wasn't really [i]that[/i] bad outside. Maybe he could take a short run to the store. So, Yutaro suited up. First, a large rain coat that looked more like a glossy trench coat with a hood. Next, boots. He was sure that his socks would somehow get soggy anyway, but at least they would serve as damage control. Next, some leather gloves. There were few sensations worse than the pseudo-pruned fingers the damp weather left unshielded hands with. And, of course, a big ol' umbrella. Thus armored, he pulled the hood over his head, opened up the umbrella and stepped out into the streets, completely unrecognizable, but as dry as one could be on a crappy day like this. "Freakin' triple A..."