[h3][color=red][center]Rhaenyra and Baela Targaryen, Dragon’s Rest, Northern Crownlands.[/center][/color][/h3] It had taken the span of roughly three days for the first of the letters to make their way back via the flight of Ravens. The first to respond was Ser Willas Tyrell, the presiding commander of the Gold Cloaks of King’s Landing. The content of his letter was discussed at length, especially amongst the gathered council of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen II. The letter had arrived early in the morning, a cold Eastern rain storm heralding the start of the day, and with it, the news that everyone had been eagerly awaiting. With her sister Baela, Rhaenyra had gathered her loyal lords to her, all sitting within the great hall of Dragon’s Rest. The maester has awoken Rhaenyra as soon as the bird arrived, before setting about in his own tasks to summon the council. There they now sat, reading over this letter sent by a former Kingsguard member, Ser Willas Tyrell. Of course, even before breakfast had been served, let alone finished being cooked, there was already a heated discussion, or rather, an argument unfolding at the table. Rhaenyra sat silently, trying to still wake up from her lingering feelings of fatigue and sleepiness. Lady Mooton and Lord Buckwell were trying to push the fact that Ser Willas had abandoned his duties, as he was no longer a member of the Kingsguard. Of course, one could argue that he was a traitor, but, it was Baela who spoke out first. She was a woman of honor and integrity, and would be damned to see a good knight and man be besmirched because of some old tired men who were not thinking clearly yet. “Balderdash, listen to yourselves talk. Perhaps you should wake up fully first, before speaking ill of Ser Willas Tyrell. Think about it, long and hard, before you answer. What King is there to protect, let alone guard? King Aegon X was very explicit in his will that Prince Daenys was not to inherit the throne. The alone bars the need for the Kingsguard to protect someone who by all rights is not a king. The Kingsguard who followed Prince Daenys are more traitor than Ser Willas. And yet, I can’t fault them either. They followed in their convictions to what they believed to be the correct course of action, the most honorable and right road to travel down. Have some coffee for the Seven’s Sake, and let us all think this through very carefully. Lady Mooton, and Lord Buckwell, whatever prior qualms you may have with Ser Willas Tyrell, put them behind you, and let us all work together to find the most viable solution.” Princess Baela spoke haughtily, looking at all those assembled at the table before her. She gave them all a look that dared them to challenge her, to say otherwise than to what she spoke moments before. None of them did, the men, both older than either Targaryen princess, and those who were closer in age, said nothing, in fact, nodding in agreement. Baela had been right, the Kingsguard was at a crossroads. Technically, in such a time, they were to remain by the throne, to protect it for the rightful heir, if said heir could not be physically protected by them at that moment. Either way though, Baela ensured, with a nod from her elder sister, that any more talk about Sir Willas Tyrell in a negative light, would not be tolerated. To ease the tension in the air, Baela cracked a smile filled with compassion and camaraderie. And like a waterskin with a hole, the tension in the air drained away. Not a moment too soon, as breakfast had just arrived, steaming plates of eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast were brought forth, along with fresh milk, orange juice, and hot coffee. Business would continue, no doubt, but albeit slower, with everyone enjoying their food, to help start the day, and get everything underway. Rhaenyra smiled at her loyal banners, looking at each one, before lifting her glass filled with milk high above her, to raise a toast to her friends and family. “To the most loyal and honorable friends, bannermen, and mentors that anyone could ever have, Blood and Fire.” Rhaenyra spoke aloud with passion. It was true, these men, and her sister, were there for her when her parents died, were there for the Targaryen sisters when they had no one else truly to turn to, excluding King Aegon X, but his station and duty to the realm prevented him from being able to freely travel to them. The Lords, both great and small raised their glasses, repeating the Targaryen family motto, smiling to one another, before returning to their meals with gusto. With breakfast finished, the councilors of the Targaryen princesses returned to business with earnest. They discussed who to turn to, of who could be trusted, and who should be watched carefully. Ser Willas Tyrell was brought up first and foremost, for he was the closest feasible ally that both Rhaenyra and Baela Targaryen could turn to outside of the Northern Crownlands. Ser Darren Celtigar, former commander of the Gold Cloaks, was forcibly removed, choosing to commit treason and break his solemn oaths and vows to the throne. This could only help to exacerbate the current stability of the realm. The Celtigar’s were sworn to Dragonstone, which, at least to everyone’s knowledge, still fell under control of Prince Daenys Targaryen. The Narrow Sea Houses had been sworn bannermen to Dragonstone, and with Ser Darren Celtigar’s death, even with the justifications for his treason, this could only spell trouble, unless Prince Daenys was no longer in control of these houses… though, this would have to be investigated further. The gathered council all agreed though on one important thing, Ser Willas Tyrell had acted correctly in removing Ser Darren Celtigar, a pity that he had to die, but no doubt the man brought it upon himself. But rather, more importantly, was the urgent need to get to King’s Landing with all due haste. Ser Willas was right in that it would be more and more difficult the longer they waited to make the two day long trek to King’s Landing. Whatever unconventional means were used to bring peace and order back to the city could only help ensure the safety of the two Targaryen princesses, or so the council assumed. The capital was paramount to any claim either Targaryen princess had to the throne, and by arriving there first, would help bolster any claims that they may have to the throne itself. The Tyrells were doing all they could to ensure the stability of the city, and to keep it firmly in Targaryen control. Ser Willas mentioned that there could possibly be a siege, if things did not play out for the better. Especially concerning that Great Uncle Tyget Crakehall had put forth a claim onto the throne as well. He was an honorable man, Lord Crakehall, but in these trying times, the Crownlanders decided it best to begin preparations for the march to King’s Landing. It was decided that roughly fifteen hundred men would march to King’s Landing, leaving a thousand to defend the respective lands of those present. Lady Mooton, Lords Hardy and Boggs would have the Vanguard, traveling ahead to prepare King’s Landing for the arrival of the rest of the Crownlanders. This would allow for the remainders of the forces to protect the baggage train, and for both Rhaenyra and Baela to prepare their dragons for their new home in King’s Landing. The council spoke quietly amongst themselves, as they waited for the go ahead from their forces to be mustered and ready to go. Rhaenyra and Baela spoke quietly amongst one another, going over Ser Willas’s letter once more, and in particular his final paragraph. He had served their Uncle valiantly, faithfully, until his untimely death. What concerned them was the man’s guilt over his failure to protect the king, even though more than likely, there was nothing that could have been to prevent it, especially if the rumors were to be believed that Prince Daenys had poisoned him. Ser Willas Tyrell was open and honest in his letter, and from what the two sisters could read, he was not hiding anything. He would face no punishment, nor would he have any shame in his choices. Rhaenyra and Baela both agreed to fully reinstate him, and to thank him for his hard work. It was at this moment, that a second letter arrived, from the Lord of House Tyrell himself, Lord Garland Tyrell. The maester brought it to the table as soon as he had received it, its seal not even broken yet. Rhaenyra hastily opened it, reading its contents to herself, before passing the letter to her sister, as she thought carefully about what she had read. Rhaenyra looked to her gathered lords, before looking back to her sister, to see what she thought about the letter. “Well, this is good news, good news indeed. Lord Garland’s support will surely be needed, if as he fears, the realm descends into a civil war. The Tyrells have pledged to support you, sister, this can only help your claim, and our family.” Baela said aloud excitedly, before continuing to speak, “Lord Garland is also a looker, and single…” Baela finished, in a low, playful tone to Rhaenyra. The look on her sister’s face was more than rewarding enough. Forcing herself to try and not blush was rather difficult, especially in front of her sister, and her council members. Rhaenyra shook her head, clearing the thoughts so deviously put there by her sister. Lord Garland was attractive, that much was true. Rhaenyra had seen him at King Aegon’s 30th name day celebrations, jousting in the lists. But those thoughts were not for here, in these trying times. “Lord Garland Tyrell is still the acting Hand of the Realm. He knows how to best run this Kingdom of ours, and with his help, we can solidify my rightful claim to the Iron Throne.” Rhaenyra spoke to her council, letting the letter be passed about, so that each man could read it for himself. “Lord Garland is correct, in that the coming times will be a trial for everyone, both Lord and peasant alike. Winter already encroaches upon us early, as reports from the North and the Riverlands are troubling, saying cold winds and early frosts have damaged crops unseasonably early. We will need the Reach to help ensure that famine does not sweep the Kingdom. We will have to thank him greatly for his continued support, and foresight to secure King’s Landing as well.” Rhaenyra spoke aloud to her council, letting them know what she thought about Lord Garland. The Lord Garland Tyrell, also brought unsettling news along with his good. The Queen Dowager, Aegon X’s lady wife, was brutally murdered. No doubt at the behest of Prince Daenys, the vile bastard. He had committed regicide for sure now, and was a kinslayer no less as well. The Kingdom could ill afford a civil war, especially one that would be fought be the Mad Prince Daenys. He was a mad man no doubt, and whatever happened, he would not go down without a fight. “We will have to make all due haste to arrive in King’s Landing. Prince Daenys is still on the loose, and he has murdered his own sister, if not his own brother as well. The longer he remains on the loose, the worse things will become for the realm as a whole.” Rhaenyra spoke aloud, as she hurried to have the measter fetch her paper and quill to write with. It was best to answer Lord Garland with all due haste, and to inform him of her plans. And, to inform Ser Willas as well. Rhaenyra busied herself into writing her response to Lord Hand Garland Tyrell, while Baela worked on the letter meant for Ser Willas. The Crownlands lord milled about, chatting about their excitement, fears, concerns, things spoken in small talk. They were overall in good spirits though, proud to be serving alongside their future queen, should fate allow such to transpire. Both sisters focused on writing to their respective recipients, when yet another letter arrived, this one certainly unexpected. Both women could tell by the way the measter held the parchment, almost as if he were afraid to touch it. He set it before them both, before bowing his head, and taking a seat not too far away. It bore the seal of the Iron Islands, of House Greyjoy. Rhaenyra looked to Baela, unsure of what to make of this. Why would the Greyjoy’s send a letter to them, especially now after being free of the Seven Kingdoms for so many, many years. It was Lord Rykker who spoke first, breaking the silence that hung over the room like a thick blanket. “My Lady, not to sound humorous, but worse case, it is the Iron Islanders declaring themselves as King too…” He smiled faintly, trying to lighten the mood. It was Baela who laughed first, a loud, hearty peel of girlish laughter. The rest of the room laughed too, their apprehension leaving them as well. The maester looked to Rhaenyra, who seemed to be lost in a world all her own. She still looked over her letter that she had been writing, thinking of the past when her father was still alive. What we he have done, said, thought about. It was here she was roused from her moment of silent solitude by the maester, gently shaking her shoulder. She smiled up at the elderly man, thanking him for his service, before she stood up, and walking over to the fire place, beckoning Baela to follow her over. In her hands, was the letter from the Iron Born, the Greyjoys of Pyke. Together, they read over the letter, surprise and caution coming across each of their faces. This was certainly unexpected, the farthest thing from expected. King Talron Greyjoy had contacted them with a peculiar message, something that no one gathered at Dragon’s Rest could have ever guessed. “King Talron is claiming to support my claim to the throne, and that he wishes to offer any and all support that he can in order to help secure my positon firmly upon the Iron Throne.” Rhaenyra would finish, before Baela took the letter and continued reading it. “Yes, he does offer that, but what he asks for next… well, its definitely not something that could easily be done without angering the whole of the Seven Kingdoms.” Baela shakes her head, moving to the council table to lay the letter down upon, for all to see. “King Talron asks that we help protect his rightful sovereignty to the Iron Islands. How in the blazes does he expect that to happen?” Baela finished, no sooner than the other lords began to speak up as well. “His kind have been raiding the coasts of the North and the Westerlands for decades now, how does he expect to have us support him?” Lady Mooton asked. “He is no better than a common pirate… to hell with him.” Lord Rykker angrily said. “I say we let him face the repercussions of his actions. His crimes can’t go unanswered.” “If we support him, we will create discord between ourselves and the North, let alone the Westerlands. My lady, it is folly to offer any form of support to him. We need to keep the Kingdom as one, not a fractured mess of waring Kings. The war of the Five Kings was a disaster.” Lord Buckwell said, his tone very concerned. This went on for some time, Rhaenyra listened to the men and her sister debate. They were right about one thing, the Iron Islanders had painted themselves into a corner. Still, she decided that it was best to let them talk for a while. She needed to get back to finishing her letter to Lord Garland. The maester had informed her that the host was nearly ready to leave, and it was important to have these letters sent out before they left. She took a moment to look up, smiling at her sister. Ever the warrior Baela was, she was heatedly arguing with the Northern Crownlands lords, almost seeming to enjoy it all. Rhaenyra had already figured that this matter could wait until they were in King’s Landing, and would be able to consult with the Lord Hand, current Regent of the Realm. She beckoned to maester over to her, telling him to secure the letter from King Talron for now, to safely pack it away for the trip to the capital. Her lord bannermen were wise, but, to be honest, they only had to worry about their small swathes of land that fell under their dominion, hell, the same went for Rhaenyra and Baela as well. It was hard, being so young, so new to politics. It would have been so different if Prince Jaehaerys were still alive… if mother were alive too, but little good could come from wishing those that had passed were still here. All it could do would bring sadness and uncertainty. “Let us worry about King Talron once were are securely in King’s Landing. I cherish your council, each and every one of you, but, the Hand, Lord Garland, will know more than any of us. He should be consulted in this matter, and that is the last I will discuss the matter about King Talron, pirate, pillager, barbarian, raper, whatever he is, it is up to the Regent to decide until I am Queen, or someone else is crowned as our Sovereign.” Rhaenyra spoke in a commanding tone that left no room for discussion. She was eager to leave for the capital, and any more arguing would simply hold her up. “I will meet you all out in the courtyard. We will be riding out within hour.” Rhaenyra walked out of the main hall, from the confines of stone and wood, out into the bright morning sun. It was beautiful, truly a good day. It had been overcast for the last few days, and it was nice to finally see the sun peak through the clouds. She was enjoying the sunlight upon her face, when a familiar hand touched her shoulder. It was Baela, smiling at her elder sister, before giving her a big hug. “You are in high spirits Baela. I could not ask for a better sister.” She smiled, holding her sister close to her as she spoke in a low tone. “I will never leave you… I promise that. I promised mother and father to look after you, and I will keep that promise.” Baela smiled, hugging her sister back in turn, before laughing and dashing away to her awaiting dragon. Spirited and full of excitement, she even did a cartwheel, which was a sight to see to the men in the courtyard, as she was still in a flowing dress. She didn’t care, to hell with what anyone would say, besides, it was her dragon that she wanted to say good morning to, and it had been too long already since they last rode together. Jadefyre would no doubt delight in taking flight as well having been grounded for the past few days due to storms. Rhaenyra laughed and shook her head, watching her sister dart away to join her dragon. She would turn to speak to her gathered retinue, going over plans of the trek to King’s Landing. It would be an easy trip, no more than three days in bad weather, a day and a half if they pushed it. She busied herself to listen intently to what Lady Mooton and Lord Buckwell were discussing with her. She listened to them go over lists of supplies, provisions, troop numbers, road conditions, and a number of other tedious things. Of course, truth be told, Rhaenyra wished she could simply paint, or perhaps write poetry right now, but, duty called, and with it, came its own set of problems. It would seem, even as they were getting ready to leave, problems were already arising. Two wagons had broken axles, and their gear had to be moved over to small wagons that had to be appropriated from a nearby mill. A fight had broken out between two knights and a lowly sergeant, the knights had been drunk, the sergeant trying to stop it. To top it all off, a sheep herder was blocking the road that lead South to King’s Landing, as he was driving his flock to another pasture to graze from. Rhaenyra couldn’t help but smile, shaking her head as she listened to the problems, related to her by Lord Cave and Lord Hardy. She thanked them for their reports, sending them to do what they could to speed up the process, and in the meantime, asked to have the three men brought before her. Lord Brune saw to it himself, hurrying off in order to round up the offenders. With a sigh, she sat down at a table in the courtyard, speaking quietly to the remaining lords. She joked with them, and also listened to them in their excitement as well, for it seemed that they, more than her, were more ecstatic for her to become Queen. She shrugged, such is the way of things, but who could blame them, they had adored her and her family for many years. As Lord Cave returned, he reported in. “The flock of sheep will not take any longer than ten more minutes. The Shepard humbly apologizes for any inconvenience he may have caused you, My Lady, he was just trying to make for the next pasture before another storm is all.” His voice was calm and jovial, as he slid off his horse to kneel before Lady Rhaenyra, “He offers you this as a token of apology. He said it is a blanket made of his sheep’s wool, freshly sewn by his wife and daughter.” Lord Cave held up a soft black blanket, so new it was as though it had just come off the loom. Rhaenyra took the blanket gingerly, holding it close to her body as she inspected it. It was very fine wool, so soft, so clean, and tightly woven together. It would keep anyone warm, save for the harshest of winters. She smiled, enjoying this new gift that now lay in her lap. “Lord Cave, thank you. I am honored to accept this gift on behalf of our local Shepard. Go relax and enjoy the sun, because I feel as though it may be short lived, especially in our journey to come.” Rhaenyra nodded her head to Lord Cave, the man bowing in return, before walking off to enjoy a sunny corner of the courtyard with some of his own retinue. Only a short while later, did Lord Brune walk up with the three offending men of Lady Rhaenyra’s forces. The two knights were still drunk, judging by their bleary looks and the smell of a brew house rolling off of them. The third man, a lowly sergeant compared to everyone else, looked bloodied and bruised. He knelt down lowly before Princess Rhaenyra, before the two knights did, and did not rise until he was beckoned to do so. “What is your name, sergeant?” Rhaenyra asked firmly, looking at the man as he tried to stem his nose from bleeding once more. He was of average height, slim build, with light golden brown hair and brownish-purple eyes, an odd looking man, almost as though he came from elsewhere. She looked at him closely, to see if he was in the right or wrong. “My name is Trevan Waters, My Lady.” He spoke coolly, with respect, but dignity. He wiped blood from his nose once more, trying to keep it from oozing down past his mustache. The young sergeant looked at Lady Rhaenyra expectantly, as he was unsure what was to happen, considering the circumstances. Rhaenyra turned to the two knights, men of her own household no less. To say she was furious would be an understatement. They had dishonored not only themselves with their drunken antics, but also sullied her own honor with their petty actions. One had a black eye, the other a bruised cheek and split lip. “Lord Brune, have both these men removed from the retinue. They plainly showed that they can not handle themselves honorably, or with dignity. They will serve as my stable cleaners for the next three months, as penance for their little indiscretion. Ensure that they understand that this behavior will not be tolerated under my eye.” She spoke with wroth, staring down two of her own knights. These were men that she had dined with before, traveled with, and yet here they were, making fools of themselves. “Sergeant Waters, tell me what happened, and do not spare any details. Tell the truth, or you’ll end up like these two fools next to you.” Rhaenyra soon turned her attention to the Sergeant. He looked at her with surprise, before bowing his head, and beginning to relay to her what had happened to have the three men standing before her now. He spoke quickly, never stumbling to try and remember something, or make up details. It was all collected and precise. The two knights had been drinking heavily, before things had gotten ugly. They were betting who was a stronger man, when they decided to fight with their fists. Their fight eventually spilled into a neighboring camp of common soldiers, of which Sergeant Waters was a member of. The Sergeant tried to break up the fight, to keep the two knights from causing any more discord, but to no avail. The knights soon turned on him, and gave him a “good” beating, before being seized by a passing patrol of Lord Buckwell. The Sergeant bowed deeply once more when he had finished, awaiting his fate from his liege Lady. By now, all the other delays had finished, leaving nothing else to held up the host of Crownlanders save the outcome of this camp fight. Rhaenyra beckoned the sergeant to sit down, while she turned and discussed her thoughts with her lords. As the men and Princess spoke, Lady Baela showed up, to see what the heck was taking so long with her sister. She looked at the two knights, before noticing Sergeant Waters, smiling and waving at him, before she sat next to Rhaenyra. “What’s going on Rhae, what is taking so long? You said we were going to be leaving a while ago.” Baela teasingly spoke aloud to her sister and fellow lords. The men and Rhaenyra could not help be chuckle, pointing to the three men that sat before them all. “Blame them, it seems these two, and that Sergeant decided to get into a fight. Lady Rhaenyra was just getting ready to pass judgement on the Sergeant.” Lord Crabb spoke aloud. But before anyone else could comment further, it was Rhaenyra who spoke out. She was standing, holding one of the family’s ancestral Valyrian Steel swords. “Kneel Sergeant Waters.” Her tone brokered no room for argument, carrying a tone of command that perhaps few could match. Little could the Sergeant do but follow the command, and so he knelt before Princess Rhaenyra. Baela was shocked, was her sister going to execute this man, even though he had done nothing wrong. All were shocked by what Rhaenyra did next. “I, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Second of my Name, Lady of the Northern Crownlands, of House Targaryen, do hereby knight you, before the eyes of men and the gods. I dub thee Ser Trevan Waters” as her blade touched on the former sergeant’s right shoulder. "In the name of the Warrior I charge you to be brave," Rhaenyra moved the blade from the right shoulder to left, "In the name of the Father I charge you to be just," She moved her sword to the Right shoulder once more, "In the name of the Mother I charge you to defend the young and innocent," before moving her sword to the left shoulder again, "In the name of the Maid I charge you to protect all women...” And so it went, before Rhaenyra herself offered out her hand, to raise Trevan Waters, a bastard sergeant from what he was into a full-fledged knight. “You did the right thing, even though it caused you to be harmed in the process. That is something that I will not soon forget. Ser Trevan, you will have the honor of carrying my standard today. May the Seven grant you the strength and honor you need to become the best that you can be.” She smiled, bowing her head to the newly knight man, before dismissing everyone with a wave of her hand. It was time to go, and they had dallied too long already. King’s Landing awaited, and the sooner Rhaenyra and her sister arrived, the better. All Ser Trevan could do was kneel deeply before Lady Rhenyra, have been lifted from the dirt into a knighthood. He hurried away to his new post, as the courtyard began to ready up for the trek ahead of them. Horses were mounted, soldiers lined up, banners unfurled, and so on, all the preparations for a journey to the capital. Baela hurried to her sister’s side, smiling from ear to ear as she spoke to her. “That was a wonderful thing you did, you know that right? You literally made that man become greater than he ever thought possible, sister. I will be honest, I was not expecting that, let alone anyone else. You will make a great Queen, you know that?” Baela spoke excitedly, still beaming with pride and excitement. Rhaenyra rolled her eyes, giving her sister a little push as they both headed for their dragons. “It was the right thing to do. Those two drunken sots brought it upon themselves, and Ser Trevan acted for the betterment of everyone around him, regardless of what may happen to him. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to have another knight, now does it?” This time it was Rhaenyra who had a playful smile on her lips, looking at Baela with humorous delight. “Plus, what he doesn’t know, is that I will also be awarding him one fourth of the other two’s lands, as a penance for them, and a reward for his actions.” Rhaenyra laughed as Baela’s mouth dropped open. She could be a leader when she needed to be, she supposed, but it was tedious work between the parts she enjoyed. Both women spoke more, before mounting up upon their respective dragons, Visaxes and Jadefyre. Together, they took to the sky as their meager host marched out from Dragon’s Rest, marching Southwest to King’s Landing. The two princesses circled about the sky, flying lazily with their beloved mounts, before following above their host, enjoying the warmth of a beautiful fall day. The forces of the Northern Crownlands set forth, fifteen hundred men altogether, marching to a new dawn, a new tomorrow, one in which they all hoped Rhaenyra Targaryen would be Queen. The Targaryen girls would not lightly give up their claim upon the throne, and they travelled now to officially announce their intentions to claim the Iron Throne. Three ravens sped forth from Dragon’s Rest, each heading in different directions. One was destined for the far off Iron Islands. The second for Highgarden. The last, was closest of all, King’s Landing. Each bird carried letters finished shortly before the Crownlanders departure, and would herald what new and tidings that were written within. [hider=King Talron Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands] King Talron Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands, I am humbled and honored to receive your message. I greatly appreciate your acknowledgement and possible support for my claim of the Iron Throne. You do yourself and me a great honor with your words of wisdom and kindness. I ask that you be patient in these coming weeks. I am no Queen yet, nor would I presume to act with such power until I am officially coronated by the High Septon of the Seven Kingdom’s faith, along with the acknowledgement from the rest of the realm in which I live. I will think upon the matter of which you asked, as you have been so polite in this request. Yet, I am but a young woman, with no true experience in running a Kingdom. It will be up to my future council, my Hand, and myself to decide what is best. We will do all that we can to ensure a speedy response is put forth to you, so that you may know what I, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen may do for you. With respects and regards, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen II[/hider] [hider=Commander of the Gold Cloaks, Ser Willas Tyrell] Commander Ser Willas Tyrell of the Gold Cloaks, Ser Willas Tyrell, rest easy in the knowledge that all of us find you to be a most honorable and courageous man. You will face no punishment or ill will for your actions in the days following the death of King Aegon X. You have committed no crimes, nor have you offended me, or my sister Rhaenyra. We look forward to meeting you Ser Willas, and personally thanking you for the time you spent protecting our Uncle and King. We will arrive in two days time, along with fifteen hundred soldiers of the Northern Crownlands. It is an honor to serve alongside you, in the defense of our great Kingdom. Princess Rhaenyra personally assures you that there will be no need for reimbursement for our forces. We happily march as this letter fly’s to you to help bolster the defenses of King’s Landing. The men and women of the Reach have always been faithful ally’s to the Targaryen family, and it is my hope, that once Princess Rhaenyra is crowned Queen, that you will do us the honor to serve amongst her Queensguard, as word of your exploits and prowess have been a great inspiration to many a man, including myself. I ask that you do us one small favor, and prepare the Dragon Pit for our arrival, as we bring our dragons Visaxes and Jadefyre with us. May the Seven forever guide and bless you, Ser Willas. We look forward to meeting with you personally, and to solidify our alliance with House Tyrell once the Iron Throne is safely secure from any who would dare usurp it and disrupt the peace and stability of the realm. Fire and Blood, Princess Baela Targaryen II[/hider] [hider=Lord Hand, Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Garland Tyrell] Lord Garland Tyrell, Lord Hand of Aegon X Targaryen, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Warden of the South, I thank you for your continued support in these most trying of times. I count myself lucky and honored to have such trustworthy and steadfast allies that I have in you, Lord Garland. You make me proud to consider your family as among the closest allies that House Targaryen has. Though it saddens me that my Great Uncle Lord Tyget Crakehall has chosen to declare himself King, it is my hope that he can be negotiated with diplomatically without cause for violence. And as we risk war, in the wake of Aegon X’s death, no doubt at the hands of the Mad Prince Daenys, I know that with the support of the Reach, any foe will not stand a chance against our two Houses. Lord Garland, I march to King’s Landing with all due haste, and along with me, and our two dragons. We will not let your people suffer in your pledge to support us, and should it be needed, we shall ride to your defense. I will be most honored to meet you, and look forward to speaking with you in person, my friend. You do me great honor by honoring my Uncle, King Aegon X by offering to continue on as Hand. I fully recognize your powers as ruling Regent, and would be even more honored to have you serve as my Hand, once I come to power, baring a more rightful heir of course. I will do all that I can to ensure a costly and senseless war does not engulf our homes, and that we can together hunt down the perpetrators behind King Aegon X’s death, along with that of the Queen Dowager. She will be missed, and so will our beloved King. The Seven Kingdoms will not be so easily toppled, and I will await your arrival at King’s Landing to personally converse with you, Lord Garland. With the Seven at our side, nothing will stand in our way, not Prince Daenys, Lord Tyget, nor anyone else would dares to break the peace and prosperity our forebears fought so hard for. The Crone will light our way in the dark times. By the blessings of the Seven, my warmest regards, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen II[/hider]