[center][h3][u]The Following Morning...[/u][/h3][/center] Ryoki was sound asleep at her desk. Currently, she was dreaming about the events of last night, however, as dreams did, things didn't quite follow what had actually happened. Not that Ryoki could really recall that much to begin with, but nevertheless, it was a fun little dream... At least, it [i]was[/i] fun, until it turned into a living nightmare... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VDqu7Oa9rs]A siren[/url] blasted into her ears, causing Ryoki to panic. Her confusion lasts only a brief second or two, before the siren began it's routine screech. That was when she awoke. "GAH! SON OF A FU-" She's cut off by the loud [i]thud[/i] her body makes as she instinctually rolls (or rather, falls) out of her chair, hitting the hard surface of the floor, pulling her headphones with her. Unfortunately, the shitty quality of the headphones means they break on impact. The siren blares again. "Yes! I'm up you stupid fucking alarm clock!" She exclaims as she reaches up on to her desk and slams her fist down on it, effectively silencing the beast. However, it comes at the expense of a very sore hand. "Owww..." Sulking, the Mistress of Darkness and Temptation pulls herself up, using her desk as a means of achieving such a feat. With a sore wrist, broken headphones and a level of tiredness associated only with the dead, Ryoki wonders just how she wound up going through such a [i]horrible[/i] morning... "Oh... That's right. Drunk me is nice and considerate..." She groans. She'd set her own alarm clock to be early, no doubt because she knew she was going to be pulling an all-nighter, or at least a good portion of one. Why hadn't she just gone straight to bed when she arrived home, you ask? Her sister had gone through a scary encounter with some creep the night before, and, fear being such a rare emotion for Mokyu to display, Ryoki was very concerned. So, she did what any sensible person would and stayed up with her all night playing games until she was OK (which just so happened to be five in the morning), before falling asleep herself, waking up two hours later by her own stupid alarm clock which she, herself, had set. It was just enough sleep to enter a slumber, yet not enough to recover one's state of rest. [i]'Ryoki, you truly are evil... So evil, you even try to beat up yourself! You need to stop...'[/i] And thus, Ryoki was sent about her usual morning routine: take a long, hot shower, drink some coffee, and get ready to go to Kaori's... [hr] The caffeine worked it's magic as Ryoki's senses were brought back to life. After an incredibly long shower, and her sluggishness as she attempted to get ready, it had taken the raven nearly a full hour to get ready for what would be coming later in the day. Through all her pain and suffering, she was finally granted salvation with a homemade coffee of the best beans in Shine City: Mocchavine. "I'm so glad I got these the other day... I would be dead otherwise." She gave a slight chuckle to her own joke, before reverting to a state of melancholy, similar to that she experienced last night. [i]'N-no, Ryoki... Don't think about it... They're in a better place...'[/i] She nods to herself ignorantly, before letting out a cold sigh. Suddenly, her coffee wasn't as appetizing as it once was... "Come on, stahp~!" She playfully slaps her cheeks and giggles to herself. "You're not going to be all moody and stuff when you meet Kaori today, are you~? Nope! That girl needs a handsome boyfriend who'll take care of her, and it's my job to help take care of her!" She nods as though she were accepting her own idea and praising herself at the same time. "Mmhmm! There you are! That wasn't so hard, was it?" She says, though before she can continue the conversation with herself further, her phone makes the distinct tone of a text message. As it just so happens, there were two, though one was from about half an hour earlier; both were from her siblings. The first message was a thank you from Mokyu, saying that Ryoki staying up to help her really calmed her down. No doubt she was back to her deadpanned monotonous self, at least until she got on stage, Ryoki thought. She only ever really showed energy when on stage - otherwise Mokyu always looked and sounded exhausted. [i]'Maybe that's the reason behind the stage mask?'[/i] She thought with a faint grin. [i]'Don't worry; this is what sisters do!'[/i] Ryoki texted back, before moving on to the second message, this one being from Kimasu. This second message was a date offering -- which was code for "I need some things" between the two of them --, with details regarding that Kimasu was in need of [i]'certain goods and services'[/i] at Shine Junction. "I'll come pick you up when you're ready." He wrote, and Ryoki responded with: [i]'I actually need to get some stuff, too, so sure! I'm ready~! ;)'[/i] She had lots of time before she had to go to Kaori's, approximately two hours. She could afford to spend some time with her little bro until then. [center][u]A Short Time Later...[/u][/center] "Excuse me? I heard a pretty dame lived here who goes by the name of Ryoki Mochizukki. Can you open up, I've brought a gift for her..." Ryoki grins to herself as she hears her little brother's voice. With a natural waver that made everything he said sound like it was spoken by an upper-class Englishman, Kimasu was a textbook definition of fancy. Of course, keeping the charm and class in a society that was degrading to one-night-stands and parties was rather difficult, however after his own private tutoring with The Master, he soon found he was almost natural at assuming the position of gentleman and flirt, and it soon integrated into his natural pattern of speech, though that may just be genetics at work. Either way, his undeniable finesse was something he used with absolute care and responsibility, opting not to use it for dark and otherwise evil purposes like some would. He was rather fond of saving diamonds in the rough, considering he'd always been a bookworm who enjoyed the classic fairy tale. In his mind, these fairy tales were real; they were truth, whereas most relationships nowadays were based upon lies, misconceptions or an overall lack of knowledge on the opposite person, hence leading to heartbreak. Kimasu, the ever adventurous playboy, was out to change that - to save a princess from despair and reignite a fairy tale. Though of course, that wasn't today. Today he needed glasses. Ryoki answers the door and smiles at the handsome young man, who was dressed in his usual, fancy-pants attire that Ryoki wasn't even sure the name of. Ryoki herself, however, was wearing [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/16/9f/72/169f728183809c18e519a86a271c5776.jpg]a nice black coat and skirt, accompanied again by her comfortable leggings[/url], and, of course, her irreplaceable black and yellow scarf, which was wrapped in it's usual fashion around her neck. "Ready to go?" She asks Kimasu, cocking an eyebrow in curiosity, though she knew the answer to that already; she already knew him back to front, better than any girl could or would. She [i]is[/i] his older sister, after all. Kimasu himself couldn't help but release a brief chuckle, cocking an eyebrow of his own as his mouth twisted into a grin of satisfaction. "You stole my line~," his replies, the voice of an angel; despite this, he was a terrible singer, "but of course I'm ready to go! I see you dressed appropriately for the occasion, too, for once. Ah, but the cold wouldn't affect one so hot, would it?" Ryoki disregards the young man's compliment and simply brushes past him, crooking a finger for him to follow. "Yes, let's go~." "Not even going to retort to that...?" He asks with a low groan, before following behind after her. "That's OK - it's not like I was looking for praise or anything... Thanks for lowering my self-esteem..." [hr] The trip to Shine Junction was expectantly swift. That place housed pretty much everything a man or woman could desire, ranging from goods in entertainment to more practical pieces of technology. This diverse range was especially needed, since Ryoki was in need of a new set of headphones (or better yet, a headset), and Kimasu was in need of new glasses, gifts, and sweets for his [i]precious[/i] younger sister, which he would often answer to with sarcasm. Though, he had to make an exception to that earlier this morning. "So, did you hear about Mokyu?" Kimasu asks out of the blue, his tone of voice significantly less cheerful and much more mundane, something that only happened when he was speaking about a serious topic. To answer his question, Ryoki nods. "Part of me couldn't believe it at first, yet hearing her mention you, I had no more doubts about her truthfulness. She's always so stubborn, but at least she knows when to call for help..." Kimasu gave Ryoki a brief, saddened smile as he walks with her through Shine Junction, and she could've sworn a tear had made it's way into one of his eyes. "Seriously... Thanks for looking out for her." "It's what sisters do; Hell, it's what any kind of decent family would do for each other." Ryoki answers, her kind sentiment cheering up her adoptive brother, putting a smile on his face once more. "I couldn't agree more!" He exclaims as he's suddenly much more energetic than earlier, grabbing her hand and tugging her forward. "Then how about we get this date underway?" "You're lucky nobody knows we're related..." She whispers under her breath, before letting out a cheery giggle as she follows after him. The Raven and her pretty companion then began their shopping spree of Shine Junction, with Kimasu paying for most of the expenses himself, despite what Ryoki had to say about it. Admittedly, it was done using the family's money. After a mighty fine breakfast, the retrieval of a new headset, and a lot of gift shopping (which included sweets for a certain sugar junky little sister), the two arrived at their last destination: An Eye For Fashion. "I'm in need of a new pair of reading glasses, since I broke my last ones." That was the story Kimasu claims, though Ryoki felt he simply needed a new prescription from reading so many books. "I'll be right back." The blonde enters the store with a wave, and Ryoki decides to take a seat at the bench right outside, out of the terrible precipitation that was occurring. "Ugh... Today was a pretty bad day for shopping." She manages to zone out to the soothing sound of rain for a moment, closing her eyes in an attempt to get at least a little bit of rest. [i]'Ahh... Relaxing...'[/i]