Good evening/morning/day. I would be interested to join, if possible. [hider=Character] [center][b][h2]Christopher Heidebuk[/h2] [/b] [img][/img] 28 | 16th of August | 1.81m | 78kg [u][b] Appearance[/b][/u] Average build, yet deceptively stronger than one would think. Long-ish, light brown hair, often swept back or tied. A full beard, often considered unkempt. Think-rimmed black glasses. Most of the time seen wearing some semi-formal, semi-casual clothing. Dull, green eyes. A tattoo of an odd symbol is located on his upper back. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Chris considers himself to be quite anti-social, yet the few friends he has see him as the kind of person one could always count on in need. Towards strangers he is silent and non-approachable unless he is “in the mood for it” ; towards friends he is loyal to a fault and eager to help. An artist at heart, he has an open mind when it comes to just about anything, figuring that he himself is quite the weird one so why judge other people for their choices. Everyone has a reason for everything. [u][b]Before “Open Waters” (Background)[/b][/u] Being the only son to a doctor married with a nurse was both a blessing and a curse for Chris. His parents could easily afford a proper education for him and he would have pretty much anything he could ask for, however certain standards were expected of him, standards that he wouldn’t always agree upon. Chris did not want to abide by his parent’s wishes and study medicine, his fascination with mythology and mysticism have determined him to pursue the artistic world rather abruptly. Along with some other questionable choices, he soon found himself no longer being supported financially, struggling by himself to survive as best he could. Rough times were ahead and his studies didn’t go as smoothly as he first expected, yet in spite of all, Chris managed to, in the end, reach his dreams of becoming an artist and earning a living with his craft. Although he should be overjoyed with his accomplishments, Chris felt…numb. The days began to meld with each other until they were hardly different and even his craft no longer brought him the joy and fascination it used to. For a while now, he felt this way, everything seemed mundane and for reasons he cannot explain himself, the world started to lack color to him. He had to do something yet he couldn’t bring himself to find a solution, thus renewing this feeling. An unexpected envelope came to his possession one day, containing inside a special invitation. Rather reluctantly, Chris decided to take advantage of it, hoping to escape this vicious cycle and perhaps regain his taste for life. [u][b]Strengths [/b][/u] While he may not be the best example of physical strength, he is no pushover. He prefers an intellectual approach to a situation. Is quite knowledgeable about a variety of subjects, particularly myths, legends and the supernatural. Cares deeply and honestly of those he considers ‘friends’. [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] While not a coward, he is easily intimidated with the right means. Rarely speaks his mind. Looses confidence if not in the vicinity of someone he could consider friendly. Never drinks, under any circumstances but is a heavy smoker. [/center] [/hider] Any tips and corrections welcome