[center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/1d95/f/2009/243/b/f/captain_marvel_banner_by_xer0ne.jpg[/img][/center] [b]January 2nd 2015, The Height of Morning Rush Hour, Downtown Fawcett City[/b] Traffic stood completely still in the streets at Fawcett City's busiest intersection, backed up likely for miles and miles with not even one vehicle moving so much as an inch forward. Despite that, there was no shouting, no honking of horns, not even the tiniest sign of road rage or faintest grumble of annoyance among the good people of Fawcett City. After all It was hard to feel just [i]angry[/i] or [i]annoyed[/i] when traffic was being jammed by a building-sized mechanical Death-Bot. The architect of this aggravating accumulation of automobiles and automaton sat perched on a strange craft embedded in the robot's head, an almost skeletal grin splitting his face as the sun gleamed off of his thick glasses and protruding, bald forehead. Standing in his strange craft atop the massive humanoid war machine, he addressed the masses with what appeared to be a built in microphone inside of the dome of the thing. [b]"People of Fawcett City! I! Doctor Thaddeus Sivana, have come to wish you all a Happy New Year!-"[/b] The people below stopped their trembling in fear and for the most part all agreed that this was a very nice gesture from the mad scientist, generally nodding along, smiling, returning the sentiment, a few children even waving from the backseats of cars- [b]"-for after I destroy this intersection I've always hated, it shall be time for me to fulfill [i]MY[/i] New Year's Resolution! Conquering Fawcett City and subsequently, THE WORLD! Heh! Heh! Heh!~" [/b] Screaming and panicking commenced shortly thereafter as Doctor Sivana's death-bot began charging up a massive chest laser, presumably preparing to melt the roads and their occupants back into bubbling tar and molten metal. But just as the laser began priming to fire the robot was knocked back onto its' heels by an airborne red blur, causing the devastating blast to be knocked harmlessly into the air. As it missed a heroic voice rang out: [color=red]"That's [b]one[/b] New Year's resolution you're going to break, Sivana!"[/color] Captain Marvel was there suddenly, floating in front of the mad scientist and the robot with its' smoking chest-mounted laser cannon. [color=red]"Now, come along quietly and leave these nice citizens to their business!"[/color] For his part Sivana seemed completely calm, though the grin slipped from his face within his transparent bubble "Ah, if it isn't the Big Red Cheese! How unexpected...by which of course I mean [i]completely expected![/i] Captain Nazi, now!" The Swastika-adorned ex-super soldier suddenly appeared with what was likely the aid of some cloaking device of Sivana's, carrying a what looked like a large, stereotypical ray gun. He fired it into Captain Marvel's back in that instant of surprise and though Earth's Mightiest Mortal felt no pain he was nevertheless sent crashing to the ground feet first as if a great weight was dropped on him. Before he could do more than blink at the sudden descent another blast hit him and the pavement gave way under his feet, suddenly struggling to do more than slightly move his arms as he sank up to his armpits into the street. "Heh! Heh! Heeeh!~ You big musclebound oaf! Thanks to my prototype Graviton Ray, you'll be crushed helplessly under the magnified weight your own super-strong body! Even if you could move, my Omnivehicle's protective dome is made of an unbreakable glass of my own devising, and once my Death-bot's laser charges up again I'm finally going to be rid of you [b]and[/b] this infuriating infrastructure all in the same day!" [color=limegreen]"An excellent plan Herr Doctor! With that done you can finally have time to recreate the glorious Nazi science that empowered me, and together our army will conquer everything! Best of all you, Captain Marvel, will be as dead as my past dreams of a racially pure Europe! Though [b]unlike[/b] you, those will soon be revived!"[/color] Captain Marvel seemed to be trapped helplessly as his foes taunted and the Death-Bot's chest laser began charging up once more. Though his arm blurred outward once with super-speed, he could not free himself and seemed to bow his head with his hands clasped together in either sorrowful defeat or a last moment of peace before the end was upon him. Then laser chest cannon fired and all seemed lost... ...only for Captain Marvel to thrust out his hands as the laser suddenly split into a dazzling array of beautiful colors, melting precisely no one and nothing. Sivana and Captain Nazi both stared in shock as the laser failed to destroy both hero and street, with Sivana only stuttering out a weak "Wh-what?! H-how is that possible!?" Captain Marvel explained it all with good cheer, smiling just a little. [color=red]"Why it's simple, Sivana! Earlier when I was pretending to try and free myself I was actually reaching for some specific rocks I noticed on the ground! Then by precisely applying the Strength of Hercules along with Zeus' lightning and high-speed hand movements for temperature regulation I simulated the conditions required for the creation of a synthetic diamond at super-speed! Using its naturally occurring ability for optical diffraction, I used it to split the power of your laser cannon into a harmless laser light-show!"[/color] He displayed his hands palm-up and in fact there [i]was[/i] a large diamond glittering between them. [color=red]"You can see for yourself if you don't believe me! Here, catch!"[/color] With that Marvel's arm blurred again as he pitched the diamond overhand, shattering the 'unbreakable' glass of the Omnivehicle's dome atop the robot and purposefully missing Sivana by inches, sending the doctor cowering. Just then the effects of the Graviton Ray wore off and he burst from the ground, easily dodging further blasts from Captain Nazi now that he was no longer surprised by the tactic. The quick strike Captain Marvel delivered in response was hardly enough to put down the powerful Albrecht Krieger, but it was just enough to distract him so that the Big Red Cheese could snatch the Graviton Ray from his hands and give him a taste of his own medicine at close range. Thus with Sivana curled up in a fetal position and Captain Nazi slammed into the ground under his own weight, it was easy enough for the good Captain to disassemble the Death-Bot and fly off to the cheers of the crowd as the Nazi super soldier and the power hungry mad scientist awaited the proper authorities. Yes, just another morning in Fawcett City!