[center][h2]Races[/h2][/center] [b][i][u]Human:[/u][/i][/b] Humans are the dominant race on Oriast and the second most populous race in the world. They are also mostly Castian. Humans have a vast feudal society in which nobles are rulers. They have a variety of skin and hair colors though not to the extent of the elves or orlvan. They come from the northern continent of Oriast. [b][i][u]Elf:[/u][/i][/b] Elves are a race of people with more angular features and sharper ears than humans. They also have an average higher affinity towards magic. (This does not mean they have more powerful magic users, just a higher number of them.) Elves have a variety of skin and hair colors. There are not nearly as many elves in Oriast as humans but they are a pretty common sight. They are the dominant race in northern Kederak. [b][i][u]Orcs:[/u][/i][/b] Orcs are a race of people from the Far Eastern lands of the world past the Dwarven Mountains. They have a very honor filled society. Not much is known about their religion or government structure but it is known that they have some of the finest swordsmen and horsemen in the world. (Our Orcs are very Asian inspired, keep that in mind.) They generally only have different shade of green as a skin color and black hair. They are not a very common sight in Oriast. [b][i][u]Dwarves:[/u][/i][/b] Dwarves are a short race of people living in the vast Dwarven mountains to the east. The are isolationists as a people and rarely ever venture from their mountains and not much is known about their culture or religion. What is known is that they have the least magic affinity of any race in the world. (This does not mean they do not have mages, just a very few of them.) They are also known to have the greatest blacksmiths in the world. They are not a common sight anywhere except for their mountains. [b][i][u]Orlvan:[/u][/i][/b] The Orlvan are a mixed race with human, elf, and orc ancestors. They have the sharpened ears and hair colors of the elves, the less angular features and skin colors of the humans, and the massive frames and tusks of the orcs. They are the dominant race of Orderak and are split between Estlamic and Castian faiths. They are pretty common in Oriast though not nearly as much as humans. Orlvan are also the only race able to become Alm in the Castian Church besides humans because Castus himself was an Orlvan. [center][h3]Character Sheet[/h3][/center] Name: (self explanatory) Aliases: (Any nickname your character has received during their career) Age: (18-25 for the start) Race: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orlvan, Orc) Nationality: (What kingdom are you from) Religion: (Castian, Estlamic, Pagan) Appearance: (Picture or good description) Specialty: (What your character's specialty is. Thief, mage, warrior, monster hunter, etc. This will also include what kind of magic user they are, what kind of weapons and armor they use, and their overall abilities) Personality: (What is your character like?) Bio: (life story up to this point) [@RainDash] [@rechonq] [@Verdaux] [@Dud]