[center][h1][u][color=9e0b0f]Huitzilopochtli[/color] [hr] [color=aba000]Nike[/color][/u][/h1][/center] [hr] Hewitt sighed as he paced the War Room. The radios crackled as his team spoke to each other, and the wall of TVs showed the view of each of the men (and woman) as they went about their task. Hewitt watched as Richard finished wiring the door. Hewitt leaned forward and pressed his own microphone. "Rich is in, Carlos, now's your move." Hewitt turned to the screens, arms crossed and a tense scowl playing across his mouth and cheeks. His muscles rippled with nervousness, and he kept glancing to the other screens to make sure all was going to plan. The team was trying to break into the German embassy in Belarus, and kidnap the fake-Germany agent within, who had come there in claims of asylum, but was really there to steal German secrets. The Germans couldn't do this operation themselves, as it was obviously illegal, so they had contracted Hewitt's team to do it instead. It was really quite petty, but the money was good, so Hewitt had no argument. Carlos walked into view, wearing a magnificent dark blue suit to carrying a briefcase that could contain important papers, but Hewitt knew contained a rather more dangerous object. He approached the gate, and spoke in rapid fire German. The gate opened and Carlos stepped inside, scanning the fake badge the team had made. Hewitt switched over to Horsch's screen, as the Austrian prepped the car, which was waiting just beyond the rear entrance. Hewitt pressed the microphone again. "Carlos is in, Horsch, be ready to go, Megan, you're up." Megan began her job, dropping into the security room from the duct. She knocked out the man sitting at the desk, and began disabling the cameras. Hewitt gave a half smile. As much as he liked violence, hurting the German officials would only annoy his employers, and that wouldn't be good for business. As Megan worked, Carlos approached the main desk. He asked another question in German, and the woman pointed him down a hallway. Hewitt spoke, "Alright, here's where things get tricky, Carlos is about to reach the target. Richard, get those doors open." Carlos swept into a room, some kind of holding cell. The man sitting at the table looked startled. Carlos walked to the table, setting his case down, speaking in German to calm the man. He opened the case, and pulled out the collapsed machine gun, folding it out into its full size. He barked a command, and the other man stood up. Carlos spoke, in English, "Target is mobile, coming to you Rich." The pair of men began to move. And then it hit Hewitt. Cold, vicious power washed over him, and the stink of death filled the room. He swore angrily. "Damnit not now!" He paused, watching the screens as his mind spun. That kind of power only came from a major god, and that smell could only mean they were dead. The intercom crackled, but the door to the room swung open. Hewitt spun to see, but it opened onto a room that did not match the hallway outside. Hewitt roared in anger. He hit the intercom "Finish the mission, I'll contact you once you're finished." he growled, viciously. He stomped into the halls of Asgard, paying no attention to the opulence and splendor of the room. He grumpily sat down in the first chair he came to, glaring at Tyr and the cloaked form sitting next to him. When the cover came off, Huitzilopochtil stared stonily at it, undisturbed. They were wasting his time. He wanted no part of their issues, he had his own to deal with. But there was something in the dead eyes of Odin that offput him, he just couldn't place what it was. [hr] Nicole bounded up the steps of the bleachers, sliding into the third row, taking a seat next to a tall, brown haired man. She set her bag down in between her legs. She looked up and smiled at the man. "Hey Paul!" she beamed. Nicole's daughter, Alexa, was on the High-school Field Hockey team, and Paul's daughter Alice was good friends with Alexa. Paul smiled back at Nicole. "Hi Nicole. Know anything about the other team this week?" People often asked her if she knew anything about the team's opponents, both because she often ended up training some of the kids, and because Alexa told her nearly everything. But this time, she hadn't heard much. She told the man as much, frowning slightly. A whistle blew down on the field, and the small crowd turned to look. A boy slid into the seat next to Nicole. "Hey Ms. Harrow, is Alexa playing today?" The boy was taller than Nicole, and had a shock of short black hair, and a toned form. She smiled at him. "Hey Tom, yeah, she's playing, I think they're about to start." Tom was one of Alexa's oldest friends, and it was very clear to Nicole that he was interested in her as more than just a friend. A fact to which Alexa was completely oblivious, something that made Nicole laugh more often than not. The girls started to play, Alexa's team took the lead very early, but a penalty tied the match back up. Many parents didn't like to sit too close to her, because she screamed and cheered much louder than was really appropriate, sometimes. Paul and Tom didn't seem to mind too much. The teams stayed fairly even, and then the ref blew the whistle for a timeout. The girls trotted to their sides of the field. "They're doing good." Tom said, looking down at the girls. Nicole nodded, "They are. Hopefully they can keep the pace up," she said, looking at the other team, trying to judge their exhaustion. Suddenly, it got violently cold, and a rush of power and the stench of death rolled over her. Nicole stood, mumbling an "excuse me" to the people around her as she ran off down towards the bathroom. She hadn't felt that in ages, literally. That much power, it could only have been a few gods. She knew it wasn't Zeus, it didn't have his signature stain. It wasn't Ra or Osiris, not hot enough. None of the Asian gods were cold enough to... Nicole had a suspicion. She stumbled into the bathroom. Why did she care? Other than the fact that the feeling had made her sick, she had no value for most of the Gods. One of the stall doors swung open, but there was no toilet behind it. A grand hall spread out before her. She gulped. This was not the time. The game would be over soon, and she had no interest in seeing the beings she had avoided for so long. But she recognized the doorway for what it was. It was not a choice, but an order. She glanced once more at the doorway out of the bathroom, and then crossed into the grand building. As she stumbled through the crowd, she heard the word "Asgard", which must be the place she was in. She found a chair in the back, and pulled it away from the others a bit. An angry looking giant of a man sat down in the nearest sit, scowling at the front. Nike recognized very few of the people in the room, though she spotted Hermes a distance away. When the one-handed man revealed the now deceased Odin, Nike let out the tiniest gasp. Then Athena demanded they stay, and her surprise quickly turned into anger. When Athena cut off any protests, she stood in indignation. "Some of us [u][i]do[/i][/u] have somewhere to be, thank you, now if you don't mind, I don't really care about this poor old man, so I'd like to go home."