[@KoL] [@BeastofDestiny] [center] [h3] - 9:14 AM - [/h3] [/center] A rouge pink-haired girl ([url= http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b380/Deadupdog/4d43071f-0745-4a09-8aae-dd193f71a3f6_zpsdfcihre5.jpg] Amity [/url]) concentrated deeply on a drawing pad with panels as her Tombow pencil glided on the surface. Her hair was decorated with a white and black polka dot bow while a violet raincoat and black, babydoll dress, clothed her body. Her drawing pad laid on her lap while she sat on a sofa across from a fish tank, in one of her parent's private jets. The aircraft's interior was designed like a small living room: [url= http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/04/21/14/27D0EB7C00000578-3048610-image-a-66_1429622145076.jpg] Bellerose aircraft [/url]. On the petite lady's left were two fiery-haired men ([url= http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b380/Deadupdog/f005265ce0852a86be46f341df1e23ee_zps6f5cfb8a.jpg] Liam [/url] and [url= http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b380/Deadupdog/dcdf567d-fdfd-4314-bd8e-6fddcb2af066_zpsjj4ongxo.jpg] Luke [/url]) sitting on their own one-seater, debating about the matter of whether or not fans at meet & greets should carry hand sanitizer on their person and apply it before making any contact with the celebrity. Liam, her manager, and Luke, her bodyguard, were obvious brothers by appearance but personality-wise, they contrasted like a cat and a dog. [b][color=9e0b0f]"A filthy fan will spread their foul disease by a simple handshake! I can just look at someone and see the germs crawl up and down his skin. Sickening, I tell you."[/color][/b] Liam glared aggressively at his nail cuticles to make sure there wasn't any dead skin. He wore a perfectly-ironed white suit, with a red button up, long sleeved shirt. While putting his hair up in a man bun, Liam's brother, Luke, rolled his eyes, [b][color=003471]"Shut the hell up. Why don't you get that stick out your-"[/color][/b] Liam quickly interjected, [b][color=9e0b0f]"No cursing, especially in front of Amity."[/color][/b] Finishing his bun, he leaned toward his brother and mouthed wide, [b][color=003471]"GET laid."[/color][/b] Amity looked up with her frost blue eyes and dully watched the two. [indent] [b] Eden's Secret - Volume 3 - Last pages of last chapter[/b] [/indent] [indent] [indent] Amity's active manga characters: [url= http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b380/Deadupdog/1ccf6e69-5609-4fe5-8cfc-09d7f0347279_zps3cpik3iz.jpg] Illuria [/url] and [url= http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b380/Deadupdog/hideki02.jpg] Spencer [/url] [b]"You're...You're a WITCH..." [/b]Spencer, a man of sports and revelry, looked frightened, tired and out of breath, as he stared at the white-haired beauty. Illuria looked at him with a tender smile, [b]"Why did you run from me, Spency? Weren't you going to meet your friend at the park?"[/b] The girl twirled and gestured around her, they were standing on a bridge high above a river. The stars made the water twinkle. The boy quickly scanned his area for an escape route as the girl sighed, [b]"The weather is so beautiful, don't you think? Perfect date weather, I'd say."[/b] His hair blew in his face and in response, she approached him to push away the strands from his eyes. He slapped her hand away from him immediately. [b]"Get away from me, Satan!"[/b] [b]"That wasn't very nice."[/b] Her body began levitating in the air as she made her way closer to the edge of the bridge, never losing her gaze with Spencer, [b]"You can go to the park, but you're not going to find what you're looking for.[/b]" Illuria giggled to herself, amused at his perplexed expression. [b]"Wha- what did you do with Lu- Lucy?"[/b] His fist began to ball up. This girl he always thought was a sweet princess, was actually the devil incarnated! He continued, [b]"Th-this is why no one likes you people!"[/b] Her eyes grew dark as she snapped, [b]"What do you mean by 'you people'?"[/b] Biting his tongue, dread filled Spencer's face. As he backed away, preparing for his escape, she cooed on, [b]"What you're looking for is already here, Spency." [/b]The boy's eyes widened, he ran to the edge of the bridge and peered down. Tears welled up in his eyes when he saw a rope tied on the railing of the bridge and at the end of it was a cheerleader's corpse, her blonde hair in lovely pigtails. Illuria gingerly put her lips by his ear and whispered, [b]"I think she looks peaceful."[/b] Swiftly turning and taking out his knife, he went to attack the witch. Only to find himself already pushed and falling down, down, down to the water while yelling, [b]"YOU MONSTER."[/b] Waving down at him, she replied, [b]"I know."[/b] [/indent][/indent] [center] [h3] - 9:40 AM - [/h3] [/center] Walking out of the plane, Amity saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom waiting for her, Liam, and Luke. Both brothers carried an umbrella to make sure Amie didn't get rain on her curls. Coming out of the car, [url=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b380/Deadupdog/1cdcb560-1358-49fa-a69f-9611c40c78b3_zpsbvvkqrzp.jpg] Renee[/url], after opening her own umbrella, approached them with her doberman, Bane. Bane wagged his tail excitingly at the sight of Luke. As Renee looked at him with annoyance, she directed her words to Amie, [color=630460][b]"I'm relieved you had a safe landing. The living arrangements have been taken care of, but if you want to change anything, let me know."[/b] [/color] The dog bounced in the rain like a little child. [color=003471][b]"No special greeting for me, Miss Renee?"[/b][/color] Luke winked at her playfully. Amity looked into the car in hopes for more people to come out, but the car stood still. Ignoring his existence, Renee took note of Amie's eyes and informed the young girl of her parents' whereabouts, [color=630460] [b] "They will be getting in this evening, just in time for your mother's scheduled appearance... but with this rain, you might have to take your mother's place (at the casino), Amie." [/b][/color] Amity replied with a smile, [color=ed145b][b]"We were lucky enough to leave when the rain was light."[/b][/color] But anyone could tell she was disappointed. Renee darted her stare towards the bodyguard, [b][color=630460]"Luke, why don't you take Amie around town while Liam and I prepare for tonight's event?"[/color][/b] Before Luke had time to be snarky, a white BMW Sedan pulled up as a generic-looking valet stepped out and threw the keys at Luke. A car with decent prestige but subtle enough to hide a celebrity in. With prowess, Luke caught the keys darting for his back and grinned, [color=003471][b]"Don't mind if I do!"[/b][/color] Turning to Amie, he handed her the keys, [color=003471][b]"Take me on a spin, lovely."[/b][/color] Extremely concerned, Liam growled, [b][color=9e0b0f]"You're allowing this? It's pouring!" [/color][/b] Renee answered with a shrug and her eyes read: This is to cheer Amity up (but also, if anything bad happens, it would be Luke's job on the line, so...). He watched Amity and Luke run to the car, he yelled at them, [b][color=9e0b0f]"Don't go over the speed limit! Be careful! Watch out for pedestrians! Call every hour!"[/color][/b] Sighing in defeat, Liam watched them speed off. [center] [h3] - 10:22 AM - [/h3] [/center] Driving on Kyle's street, both Luke and Amie listened to the guy on the radio. Amie shook her head, [color=ed145b][b] "Guy sounds like a tool. I wonder if this Iruka chick likes her name being blasted. Such unwanted attention, I'd say."[/b][/color] [color=003471][b] "You would know. Luckily, Japan doesn't know you're here...yet."[/b][/color] Pulling up in front of Kyle's apartment, Amity looked at Luke with a little grin, [color=ed145b][b]"This is his house right? I hope he received my postcards!" [/b][/color] She hadn't seen Kyle in years. Right after highschool, he moved to Japan and she went on tour, and then projects just began to drown her. He won't even expect his highschool friend is in town! Hopefully for a few years, at least. Leaning back in his chair, Luke yawned, [color=003471][b]"Yeah, that one. I'll be waiting in here. Be back in twenty and don't forget the umbrella. Renee would shoot me if your curls frizzed up."[/b][/color] Exiting out of the car, Amie eagerly dialed Kyle's cell number and waited for him to pick up so she could be like 'HEY KYLE! GUESS WHOSE IN FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE?!' Approaching his front door, she listened impatiently to the ringtone, [color=ed145b][b] "Watch him just be waking up. Maybe I should check if he left a window open..." [/b][/color] When no one answered, she growled and left a voicemail: [color=ed145b][b] I'll just call your landline, idiot.[/b][/color] After hanging up she texted him: YOU NEVER PICK UP YOUR CELL. Call me or Luke NOW. <3 Because I'm impatient. And I miss you. Grumbling to herself she dialed his home number and prayed to god he was home, she started surveying his house for possible entrances, [color=ed145b][b]"Please be home. Please be home. Please be home."[/b][/color]