Pulling up a chair, Cronic sat in contemplation for some time after everyone had finished speaking. "...I don't think that's much of a choice here. All four of us have had negative run-ins with the Thalmor at some point in time. Two of which they were willing to commit genocide to get their hands on. Even if Sano wasn't here, if they figured out who we are, and our past transgressions... There's not a doubt in my mind that they'd be swift to act on that. Not to mention Clan Gray Mane has cast their lot with the Stormcloaks. They'd be able to kill two birds with one stone." Cronic said, sighing as he rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "I know for a fact Serena would like nothing more than to spill Thalmor blood, but Yuki? She's not cut out to fight a war. She's too innocent. For now anyway. As for me, I'd sooner prefer to not jeopardize my chances of crossing a border without having to crack some skulls. But my gut tells me someone's gonna have to take the fight to them sooner or later."