I think this could qualify as tanky. I mean, clerics are tanky... right? [hider=Tsabal] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/40f5/f/2008/240/0/6/drow_woman_by_thecatlady.jpg[/img] Name: Tsabal Age: 196 Gender: Female Race: Drow Race Overview: The villanous, forsaken cousins of the elves, trapped deep underground. They share the long lifespans, the nimbleness and the magic aptitude of other elves, however drow are also infamous for their resistance to magic. Twisted in an autocratic female theocracy who foments murder and sacrifices, they're cunning creatures, always looking for an opportunity to strike back at the surface who once cast them away. Having been so used to the dark and damp tunnels of the earth, they have trouble adjusting to the sunlight, and it saps their strength right away. Titles: The Pretender (Among Drow), Dark Whisperer (among others). Appearance: Tsabal is a lithe, well proportioned drow. With lilac eyes and cascading silver hair that she keeps in a ponytail, she appears far more harmless and gentle than she actually is. Tsabal confines herself to complete body concealing robes and hood of simple construction and earthy colors, and seldom shows her face in public, specially during daytime. Beneath that, she has a pendant of a dark goddess in her neck, denoting her priestess status. If need be, she can fight in a dark half plate with a shield. Weapons: [b]Spinerender[/b] : This hand-and-half (bastard) sword of demonic craft is Tsabal's most prized posession. A sword of exquisite, if ghastly appearance, it burns everything it cuts with unholy energies. The sword itself is said to be cursed, and only those with enough willpower may wield it without succumbing to bloodlust. Tsabal herself acquired her weapon by sacrificing her newborn son to a greater demon. [b]Crossbow[/b]: Her more mundane weapon. It's just a well-made light crossbow. She also carries silver-tipped bolts just in case. Steed: [b]Bane of Gardeners[/b], a somewhat mischievous donkey which she rides. For some reason he likes to eat prized flower patches. Abilities: As a drow, Tsabal has enhaced senses and can see into the darkest pit without any problem. She's also fairly resistant to hostile magic. She however, loses a great deal of strength in open sunlight, and repeated exposition might even harm and kill her. While fighting in open daytime, she's as helpless as a clumsy barmaid. Talents: Tsabal was reared as a priestess of whatever Dark Goddess the drow worship, and a such she's no stranger in the ways of commanding and diplomacy. She's also good with her sword, and she has a decent skill with the crossbow. As a priestess and a healer, she's also a good medic and herbalist...and an excellent poisoner. Magic: Tsabal's dark arts fundamentally draw from three sources, and two of such are highly forbidden arts. All of them, are however linked to her goddess, and unless she satisfies the whimsical and terrible nature of her deity, she'll be rendered helpless. Clerical Magic: The most widespread and basic magic among clerics. It includes healing wounds, and setting up blessings. It also includes the art of divination through animal sacrifices, and the highly sought Resurrection spell. Of course in this last case, resurrection carries a price to pay, usually in the form of human sacrifices, or if need be, a lot of materials and animal sacrifices. Dark Arts: The ability to wither and tamper with undeath is a given among the drow clergy. They can perform curses that sap one's strenght and wilt and age someone before their eyes, and even create, repair and command undead. Tsabal however, can't create anything bigger than the basic undead, and she can't control anything beyond a lesser revenant with her magic (and even a lesser revenant is difficult to steer). Infernal Arts: The most forbidden arts Tsabal knows, these tamper with the demonic energies and beings. The most basic use of Infernal arts is the ability to summon hellfire, an unholy black magical flame that burns through things it even shouldn't be capable of. Hellfire is difficult and taxing to cast, and if Tsabal is not careful she might end up dead by overexertion. A second application of this involves creating summoning rituals to bring forth demons, although summoning anything greater than imps might carry a chance of the summon revolting and killing the caster. Tsabal learned the infernal arts from a greater demon after sacrificing the lover whom she had sired a son with. Backstory: Tsabal was once an aspiring, all ambitious priestess and commander of the drow that dwelt beneath the Iron Coast. Her arrogance and ill-timed incursion in the surface 50 years ago cost all her followers, and almost her graces with the goddess and her own life. That made her rethink her ways and strategy. Rather than blindly charging in a lustful frenzy to spill the blood of the surfacers, she needed to get a wider view of the world at large. Tsabal spent decades travelling from town to town as a mysterious crone, offering divinations, healing and poisons to the most seedy of individuals. She started from the bottom, and slowly rose and infiltrated herself in the ranks of the Empire underbelly, now fractured and in recession. She learned how to pull the strings and concocted a master plan, one that would pave the ground for a drow invasion. But the theme of resources was a constant worry, and as such, she heeded the call of riches to the Iron Coast. Perhaps in addition she could further her schemes and reunite with her folk, deadlocked by the undead invasion. Starting Location: Campus Magnus [/hider]