[b]Character Name: Kilian ”Lockon” Erwan[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Race:[/b] Terran [b]Homeworld:[/b] Space Colony over the mining world Telion. Telion is a small planet maybe half the size of earth and with hardly any atmosphere it is a dangerous mining planet providing ore, minerals and other materials for the League. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kilian stands about 6'1 and weighs in at 175lbs with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes. He is of slim build but under his skin you can see muscles as he moves. [hider=Kilian Erwan] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Lockon.Stratos.full.76145.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personal History:[/b] When he was young, he witnessed the suicide bombing that killed his parents and younger sister. Because of the violent death of his family, he developed a deep hatred on terrorists. While he also desired to change the world for the better, he was fixated by his past and his desire to avenge his family.This event is also what drove him into joining the DefCom as soon as he could. In normal infantry training he quickly stood out with a better score then most others in the shooting exercises, especially when it came to long range shooting. After normal training he went on to the pilot academy where ghe despite his lenght managed to do really well. Not a fighter ace but certainly quite better then average pilot skills. At this time he is no novice in ground or air combat and has seen his fair share of action. He did recieve his nickname Lockon quite early in his pilot career, because when he got you in his sight it was almost impossible to escape him. [b]Personality:[/b] Lockon is actually really easy going and relaxed . Despite his difference with others, he never let it stop him from helping out in times of needs. He looks out for his team, he is fair and yet considerate with other people's feelings. He never criticizes people based on the wrongdoings they had done in the past. When someone is misunderstood, he is the one that tries to let other people, even himself, understand. He's also there for them when they felt doubts or when they expressed their sorrow. Despite admitting he's only nice to women, his kindness evidently reaches out to those around him. While Lockon is kind and considerate, he also has a dark side. When it comes to dealing with terrorists, he lets his judgement get blinded by anger rooted from his traumatic past. Prefering the long distance setup for his rifle because of his excellent marksmanship and fighter he is still a deadly hand to hand fighter. Although not ranking amongst the best in the group. When it comes to ground combat Kilian likes to have time to establish a good vantage point for a ambush or so he can utilize the long range firepower to it's maximum potential. He is still able to adapt to most circumstances and function as a important member of the group. When in the cockpit he is an expert at using long range firepower and to hit the enemy hard with a barrage of missiles before closing in to closer range. [b]Gear and Equipment:[/b] His standard loadout for when on a mission is the M54 Adaptable Battle Rifle Integrated Sniper System, M8 Kenaz Combat Pistol, Smoke grenades and two M36 Tactical Knives. And of course his own pilot battle suit. Fighter Customisations:He have had his fighter painted in the colors darkolivegreen and olivedrab. [b]Optional:[/b] [b]Character Theme:[/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1bADp_cJqg] Come fight me in the sky![/url] (And don't go give me crap about the picture I choose for him now :P )