On the surface of Interim, there were only two places Gideon cared for. His farm, and the entryway into [i][b]Salem[/b][/i]. [i][b]Salem[/b][/i] was one of the gates into the society below. To transport from the farm to the market within [i][b]Salem[/b][/i], one has to travel by speeder 6 miles into duststorms, brothens, and rocky formations. Gideon was a master at the usage of his speeder, and knew the ins and outs of the surface pretty well. Erebos made driving a speeder exciting, and taught Gideon through the use of focus to create a shadow trail that others can follow clearly.[i] It was like someone was painting black oils directly from where Gideon was to where he is.[/i] [u][b]Upon his training, Erebos stopped him at the halfway mile mark and issued an order to hunt for a Brothen...[/b][/u] - - [b][color=8882be][u]"SUBPAR!"[/u][/color] Eredos hissed when Gideon violently stuck the bladed whip into the side of the roaring Brothen. [/b] [color=f6989d] [i][b]The Brothen is a fleshly like mole[/b][/i] that is roughly the size of a cow and is able to burrow quickly through the hardest of surfaces with a jagged mouth that resembled the front end (or back end) of a worm. These creatures were also vicious.[/color] The dust in the sky leaves an everlasting shadow/fog of war on the face of Interim. 'Hone in on the point of contact' Gideon reminded himself, and with enough focus he found it in the hilt of the cleaver lodged in the creature. [b]"I got it!"[/b] Gideon roared, tugging at the darkness infused whip. With the sound of chains, it recoiled back into its cleaver form where Gideon was already lunging towards the Brothen. Its cold brown eyes met Gideon and for a [color=ed1c24][i][b]split[/b][/i][/color] moment [u]he laid the tormented creature to peace[/u]. All that remained was a chunked-in-two corpse of a Brothen, its meat tainted by dirt, and the respirator on Gideon breathing heavily with oxygen. Gideon fell to his knees for a moment, the shades around him dancing in joy like ink in water. He had learned from Eredos how to control movement of shadows with the power of emotion the day prior. And now he had learned to utilize his weapon at its bluntest. "That was a close one.." Gideon huffed, his blood from his gashed ankle soaking his boot. Eredos inhaled in a whisper, and Gideon's heart skipped a beat. [u][b][color=a187be]"The rift, it can be open Mortal" [/color][/b][/u] Gideon sighed of relief, Erebos was usually pretty frightening, but Gideon was growing on him. "Okay, what's the rift?" Gideon asked gravely, standing to his feet. [color=8882be][u][b]"Summon a shade."[/b][/u][/color] Erebos hissed. "Okay, okay!" Gideon growled, "You should treat me with a little more respect." Touching the planet under him with the tips of his fingers, he felt shadows move. [i]Pulling them.. pulling them... [/i]and soon underneath Gideon was a collection of shadows forming a wispy pool that held no viscosity. [b][color=8882be]"Now fall. I will drop you."[/color][/b] Shrugging, Gideon jumped and threw himself on his side and braced for a landing. Dirt flew up at his approach and then the dirt vanished. Gideon plummeted [u]as if the blackened ground before him was no mor[/u]e. Dizziness, disorientation, and then flashes of a world appearing around him. [b]He had fallen, and he thuded with a strained grunt behind a stranger in a temple made of arches and stone and granite.[/b] Sweat, blood, and red dirt soaked his body.