[center][h1][color=green][b]Danny Green[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] Danny was about to open his mouth to introduce himself when the professors began to speak and introduce themselves. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he turned to listen to what they had to say. Oh well, the others could get to know him later since apparently they were all teammates now. It had came to his attention earlier that people knew who he was already, or that they knew of him because of the steps he's done to improve the well-being of the school. He couldn't help but chuckle at this because if someone told him he was known at his previous school, he would just laugh. He did however take in as many names as he could from his peers who had introduced themselves and the powers they had. They were quite interesting and he couldn't wait to see how they worked. It just reaffirmed what he thought earlier that with the people here, you never know what they were capable of doing. After a brief introduction, Danny dropped his things off in the locker room and proceeded on with the rest of his team. They soon found themselves following the professors to what they called the Danger Room which actually looked more massive from the inside than it did from the outside. Like a few of the others, he was definitely in awe of what he saw. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through him already which could be felt as a combination of anxiety and excitement. Danny didn't come across as the athletic or active type, but he did well to stay in shape and keep a healthy lifestyle. There were many things people didn't know about the young red haired boy that you wouldn't think were true at first glance. Danny continued to look around at the DR and noticed it was all made of hard metal. Hopefully there were simulations that involved being in the outdoors so he could at least be of some use. Before the professors could start, an explosion could be seen by the metal doors followed by a huge robotic hand that burst through the ceiling and knocked out Professor Pierce. Danny immediately froze in place as he didn't know what he just saw or if it was real. If it had in fact been real then they had better act fast. The only thing he could think about was if the professor was okay. That robot smacked the hell out of him, warranting the other professor to scream out and tend to him. This was all happening to fast. Before he could even comprehend what was going on, the Native looking boy Alex started spouting out orders to everyone in natural leader fashion. It was just all happening to fast for Danny. "Wait what? I..Uh..." Before the boy could respond, Alex took off to the professors while Danny just stood there frozen. The other red headed girl Ali looked to be just as flustered as he was at first, but snapped out of it in time to cloak Alex before he made a beeline to the teachers. She had approached Danny and did the same thing to him before sending him off. "Uh. Thank you," he said before turning and sprinting in the same direction as Alex, apparently completely cloaked in the girl's illusion. When he got to Professor Pierce who was completely out cold, he turned him over and put his finger under his nose to see if he was breathing. He was, but barely. They needed to get him out of here as soon as possible. Danny couldn't help but look up at the giant robot that could be the end of them if they didn't act fast. This couldn't be real could it? It all just seemed to be a bit much. He snapped out of it and put a hand on Professor Everose who had been freaking out the entire time. She probably couldn't see him because of the cloak, but she could probably hear him and feel he was there. "You have to relax honey. We need to take you guys out of here now. I need help picking up Professor Pierce," he said before trying to hoist the grown man up with all of his body strength. He tried to stick his head under the man's shoulder to hoist him up but he needed someone else to grab him from the other side. "C'mon, he's heavy!" He looked back briefly to see how the others were doing. His other teammates were still trying to figure out what they were going to do themselves. Before leaving the main room in the TC, he did bring a pouch of seeds for him to sprout plants just in case. He had wanted to create kind of a mini jungle inside of the danger room to give them cover and possible use his plants to strike it, but if that robot infrared vision then hiding under some big trees weren't going to do anything. He decided it was worth a shot. While waiting for Alex or Professor Everose to aid him, he used his free hand to grab the pouch that was in the pocket of his black leggings. He managed to grab a handful of seeds before throwing them out in different directions. Danny's green eyes began to glow as he spoke to the seeds and commanded them to sprout and protect everyone. He motioned his free arm in an upwards fashion as the seeds popped open and vines and weeds began to take over the floor of the Danger Room. It was before long that large trees, bushes , and vines began to sprout up, creating a small forest. "Now my friends," he said speaking to his plants. "Protect us." His plants began to animate themselves as if they were alive. The thorned vines and tree branches extended themselves and tried to block the robot from doing any more damage and to cover his teammates. However his vines were probably no match for that thing. He just hoped his team could work with what they had while he tried to get the professors out of here.