[b]Character Name:[/b] Erien Bellioch [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Race:[/b] Isorlai [b]Homeworld:[/b] Alcherna, an earth-like world with a comfortable range of climates and a rich biosphere. Primarily used for large-scale farming, forestry and tourism, it is a peaceful place that does not have a massive population, but neither a small one. The world is relatively wealthy, thanks both to it's thriving industries, and also the mining on its' moon and other local worlds in the star system. As such, it suffers occasional problems with pirates and smugglers, despite being more toward the core of League space. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Erien in Ceremonial Armour] [img]https://static1.e926.net/data/5c/01/5c010d2ddce37e0379632c3c2396c7ec.jpg[/img] Erien normally wears one red ribbon tying her thick hair into a ponytail, and one wrapped around her tail near the tip. She favours bright, primary colours when dressing outside of her Isorlai-variant uniform, or her flight armour. Red and blue are her favourite colours, and are often reflected in the jewelry and personal garments and decoratiosn she wears. Both of her ears are pierced twice, toward the base. She usually wears a simple, small silver hoop and a ruby-red jewelled stud in each. Erien is approximately 7' 5" tall, and relatively light and slim for an Isorlai. Her voice is quite confident, but feminine and warm at most times, and has a musical quality to it. She carries herself with pride and confidence at most times, and her body language is very expressive. She is an excellent singer. [/hider] [b]Personal History:[/b] Erien was born on Alcherna, a colony world home to many members of all species of the League. Mainly devoted to agriculture, tourism and recreational purposes, Alcherna was a peaceful place to live, but not an exciting one for a young and growing Isorlai. Like many of her friends of a similar age, she yearned for something more exciting, and was often in trouble for getting into trouble looking for excitement and a thrill. Around the age of seventeen, after a particularly memorable incident in which she and her group of friends were involved in an incident that resulted in serious injuries and considerable financial loss and damage to a construction project, her parents sent her on a six-month trip to her aunt and uncle on the world of Garadonia. En route to Garadonia and in the outer reaches of Alcherna's solar system, the liner she was travelling on was attacked by a mercenary group, hired to kidnap the daughter of an important official, also travelling aboard ship. The ship was boarded by a unit of the mercenaries, while their ships and fighters formed a cordon around the vessel. Erien found herself with the VIP's daughter through a set of unlikely circumstances, and managed to keep both of them alive and out of their clutches for long enough that the systems DefCom patrol forces arrived. Watching through the ships' visual sensors and out of windows, she was enthralled as their fighters duelled with the enemy, and the rescue ship arrived. Once the DefCom forces came aboard, she revealed herself and her now friend to them, and was congratulated for her part in the escape and rescue. The incident had filled the gap in her life, and from then on, she worked to better herself and do everything she could to fulfil the requirements to enter DefCom academy, with the specific goal of entering one of the Aerospace Combat Squadrons. On her 18th birthday she enlisted, and met all of the requirements. Taking a scholarship, she attended a college on Garadonia and studied galactic history alongside Astronavigation, getting a respectable, but not outstanding, mark in both subjects. Her proficiencies and performance in her Cadet Classes had been exceptional by comparison, and her achievements in the flying and shooting portions of the Cadet classes had gained her exemplary status. On her graduation, she enrolled full-time in DefCom, and through sheer hard grit and determination managed to carve out a name for herself, becoming a steadfast, reliable, trustworthy and determined member of DefCom's forces. Initially rejected for a fighter role, she persevered, and after several rejection letters, was called to her CO's office. After an explanation and a reconsideration, she was given her chance. The Isorlai worked hard, and after contributing to resolving a personal situation with one of her fellow pilots was assigned to a front-line combat squadron, the Diamond Snakes. Erien fell into a good niche with the Diamond Snakes, further cementing her role as a capable and adaptable pilot. She suffered with shyness and finding her feet in the squadron. While she is a capable pilot and a very intuitive one, she frequently second-guessed herself and doubted her own skills and achievements. After a near-critical incident during an operation against a band of smugglers, she had to find a way past this personal issue after it put one of her squad-mates in danger. Spurred on by a combination of harsh words and confidence by her CO, she managed to get a hold on her issues, cementing her position within her unit. Serving well within her unit on a number of uneventful tours and standard operations for a further four years, it was only when her unit was deployed as part of a small operations group in response to a Dominion of Harsesis incursion into League space against the world of Corallia. The Diamond Snakes were heavily involved in the combat over Corallia. The Dominion attack was heavier than anticipated, the hostile commander being a canny and cunning individual. The Dominion held back a third of their heaviest force until the DefCom battle group were fully engaged and committed to landing forces on the planets' surface. The remaining third jumped into the battle after the Dominion spacefleet lured the ships and fighters beyond lunar orbit, crippling the DefCom vessels with well-aimed heavy cannon barrages. The fighters were forced to pick up the slack, and it was only through ingenious tactics and daring actions, pioneered by Erien, that the DefCom forces gained enough of a foothold to hold the Dominion back long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Erien suffered injuries in the battle that lead to her left arm being replaced with a prosthetic from the elbow down, along with other serious injuries. Recovery took six months, during which time the Diamond Snakes had been stood down as a result of accumulated casualties from the Corallia battle. Cleared once again for full pilot status, she accepted a position as squadron commander for a planetary militia unit as temporary duty, remaining there for eighteen months, during which the only 'action' she saw were a handful of flights, scrambled to identify vessels with malfunctioning transponders, or as support for search-and-rescue missions. At the end of her assignment, she was offered the chance to head her own squadron as part of the new stand-up for a new class of battle-carrier. Despite her own recurring doubts and reservations, she accepted and became the commander of the Wylde Fyre squadron. [b]Personality:[/b] Erien is mostly a confident, charismatic and outgoing individual. Somewhat more accustomed to dealing with other species than many other Isorlai, she tends to be more reserved with her physical contact and emotions than other Isorlai, though sometimes forgets herself when she is excited or otherwise emotionally stimulated. While she is a consummate professional when it comes to her role as a pilot and operative, and takes her role as a squadron leader very seriously, she does still find herself bothered by self-doubt and issues of confidence on occasion. She believes she lacks the experience and knowledge to lead, but this is not reflected in her evaluations or her performance so far, and her commanding officers have done their best to support her and coax her into believing she is more than capable. She leads with intelligence at most times, and a strong sense of bravery and willingness to take on a challenge at most times, it is only the rare occasion she will falter, when faced with something she cannot understand, or relate to. On a personal level, like many Isorlai she values loyalty, integrity and trust. She gives the same cautiously, and lends the benefit of the doubt to most people she meets and serves alongside. If her trust is betrayed, her reaction will be a mixture of anger, disappointment and dismissal. She will take a long time to forgive anyone who acts in this way, and will always be on edge around anyone who displays such deceptive and dishonest qualities. However, to anyone who does display the qualities she admires, along with being open, honest and genuine, she will often seek to form a strong bond of friendship. Erien enjoys the company of others, although can be shy and a little awkward at first with strangers. Once she is more relaxed, she can often be highly enthusiastic and excitable, especially about subjects she enjoys, or about learning new things - and especially about teaching them to others. Erien is a voracious consumer of knowledge and information. She loves to read; especially [i]actual[/i] books, of which she has a small collection, and reads a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction. She often tries to apply her knowledge to real life... not always with perfect results. She is a very good singer, although can be shy about performing, and about her talent for it. More physical activities she is fond of include archery, which she learned with her mother. She has no awards for the sport, but is nonetheless more than competent at it. In combat, she is a fast-moving, agile fighter, either in or out of the cockpit. Her knowledge of historical battles and tactics often come into play in battle, using unexpected strategies and battle-plans. Aside from this, she takes careful note of the strengths and weaknesses on the battlefield, and plans and acts accordingly. As an Isorlai, she has great agility and physical strength, and uses this to her advantage, striking fast and fading away, always mobile and never in one place for a long time. Her combat style while in the cockpit reflects this too. [b]Gear and Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]Standard Pilots Suit (Isorlai model) [*]M8 Kenaz sidearm [*]M54 ABR Carbine [*]M36 Tactical Knife [*]M47 Tactical Sword [*]Fragmentation Grenades [*]Smoke Grenades [/list] Like everyone, Erien also carries a toggle. You're also likely to find a book on her person at most times too, if she's not in her flight gear. And even then, it's likely if she's not in the cockpit and flying. [b]Fighter Customisations:[/b] Erien's fighter is standard colours, aside from a red and blue stripe on all of the fins, and a diagonal one running from the bottom of the cockpit canopy frame, to the bottom of the fuselage. [b]Character Theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxGJMFsizw8]FIRE THE BASS CANNON[/url] [B]Other Notes:[/b] I imagine her voice sounding more or less like [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-4yV6tG_hQ&index=61&list=PLD97B9D603DC57854]Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony[/url] (whether you like it or not!)