Conversations in unconciousness... The awakening of Archeons thawed the shell of ice she was snared in. Docia gasped and awoke freezing on the surface of a beachfront. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her body freezing. However, the freezing was soothing and kept her skin soft. Shaking her head side to side she shakily stood up, regaining her balance. She collapsed, and tried a second attempt. [color=f49ac2]"Hey Lady, are you okay?!"[/color] A modern man ran up to her, taking her hand and helping her to her feet. [color=f49ac2]"You're freezing cold.. Like a corpse."[/color] He spoke with nervous laughter. [color=ed1c24]"I'm fine!"[/color] She huffed angrily, her breath reeking of fish. The man recoiled, and jogged off. She stood alone on the beachfront, looking at giant steel buildings with one of them having a giant sign saying [color=fff79a]"Holiday Inn"[/color]. She was astonished at the advance in technology. She felt as if another part of her was still missing, but she'll regain herself she told herself. She avoided the feelings of sadness leaving her prior world left. [color=6ecff6]Ice..[/color] She heard [color=6ecff6]Taurus the Silent[/color] inform her of the basics, like creating snow. He didn't have to speak, but he communicated none the less. She just had to travel to a safe place to practice. However, she was now walking around with a staff that got plenty of [i]strange looks[/i]. Her clothes were soaked, but she moved with such [color=f49ac2]grace[/color] nobody really asked too many questions. Making her way into a shop, she left wearing a [color=0072bc]lovely sundress[/color] ([color=0054a6]blue[/color] with [color=0054a6]polka[/color] dots[color=0054a6]![/color]) in exchange for [color=ec008c]intimate fellacio on the cashier.[/color] [i]Her breath no longer smelled of fish.[/i] Moving to the beach front she created a[color=6ecff6] trail of snow[/color] that covered the sand. Passersby just stood jaws dropped. [color=6ecff6]"Freeze.."[/color] She spoke, standing in front of the still waves. Slowly the edges of the water [color=6ecff6]began to crystalize [/color]above the sand. The air grew a [color=6ecff6]cold mist[/color], and she snapped within the same train of thought as Taurus the Silent. Her body was adapting. [color=6ecff6][u][b]Images of a temple flew past her vision, and she knew she was about to 'rift'... [/b][/u][/color]