[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Hiyori%20Hayashi&name=akaDora.ttf&size=100&style_color=9e005d[/img][/center] Hiyori felt the cold slab of cement and the slow whistle of the wind brushing against her skin, indicating a storm was coming, before opening her eyes. The smile already plastered on her face widened at the thought of rain. Without even seeing, Hiyori could tell most of her surrounding by using her other senses. Being born blind seemed to do that to a person. Sighing, she let her eyelids peel open. There wasn’t any point in doing it though, she could function with or without her eyes open. Instead of the endless void of darkness that haunted her vision, an eruption of color overloaded Hiyori’s senses. She shut her eyes to escape from the blinding color. How could she see? Where was she? Hundreds of questions flooded through her mind but only one thought surfaced. [color=9e005d]I died..[/color] Flashes of the deafening buzzing sound ringing against her ears and the hundreds of pricks that followed and then nothing. After all that agony and pain, a swarm of bees had ended it all? But where was she now? And oh her eyes… Hiyori snuck a peek again and her eyes flickered open. Describing what she saw was impossible. Shades of colors she could only guess names to colored her dark world. All Hiyori could do was gasp at the beauty of it all. Tears cascaded down her face. It was wonderful. Standing up, Hiyori stepped toward the nearest place. After feeling around, she came to the conclusion that she was in a garden. She crouched down and sniffed a flower, inhaling the sweet scent of it. Seeing what she had smelled and felt for years was overwhelming and she couldn’t help as a wave of tears crushed down her face and she began bawling.