Character Name: James mcloyd Age: 26 Race: Human [b]Homeworld:[/b] Silver rock Is an planet without an atmosphere and is incredibly hostile to any life. The surface is made out of giant pillars of silver that shoot out of the ground And giant salt beds. The temperature is always at a 100- Celsius And there are winds at speeds of 200 kilometers all around the year. The only reason why people even come near to this planet is because if the ridiculous amount of minerals. Most population lives in orbit in a giant station. Which is a ring around the whole planet. And there are hundreds of mining colonies down under the surface. Though the way they are constructed is very strange indeed. The way a mining colony is created is by bombing a salt bed creating a deep and enormous crater. Then countless Drop pods full robots lauch into the crater and start making everything ready for the miners. Making small tunnels which will be used as all sorts of things. And making landing platforms for the miners. Then the humans arrive in small tranport ships. These ships dive into the crater and land ( mostly crash land) onto the landing pads. Then the mining can begin. The miners will Start tunneling there way to one of the giant silver pillars and start mining. The ore is then transported back to the mining colony and stored until the gun is made. The gun is a giant piece of artillery that is made in the middle of the crater. The ore will then be loaded into giant shells and shot into space where they will then be picked up by robots and moved towards the station to be refined. The population is mostly made out miners. Appearance:[img][/img] [b]Personal History:[/b] James was born on the ring of silver rock to a loving mother and father. Even when he was young he wanted to be a miner just as his father. He studied all kind of rocks and couldn't wait till he was 18 to go into his fathers footsteps. He was also a sucker for boxing wining a lot of trophies. And then when he finally turned 18 everything in his life went to crap. His father decided to go an a year long expedition with his son to a newly build colony. However one of the engines on the descent had a malfunction exploded and they crash landed into the colony. Somehow James and his father survived however they both paid a huge price for it. James father had one of his eyes and a hand. But James had lost both his arms. His father blamed himself for the accident even though James told him it wasn't his fault. Yet his father still felt like a piece of shit and spend a small fortune to give James Cybernetic arms. Almost bankrupting the entire family. but he always said that it was worth it. He himself however had to mine with one less a hand and a missing eye. However James became very depressed because he couldn't box anymore. Apparently having metal arms meant that he couldn't fight anymore. At least if he didn't wan't to kill anyone. His friends tried to cheer him up. They did this by renting a space ship and go on a little joy ride. While flying One of James friends who was flying asked if he wanted to give it a shot. And after taking the wheel and flying for a few hours James found his new hobby. Apparently he was really good at flying And so he decided to become a pilot. He passed Piloting school with flying colors and started doing trading runs to support his family. However in one of these trading runs he was attacked by pirates. Which he took care of realizing that he loved doing it. And with tyhe trading becoming boring he decided to go join the military. Which he once again passed with flying colors. [b] Personality:[/b] James is a real chatterbox and you can always find him in the mes shall talking to someone about whatever he is thinking of at the the moment. Some people call him a real pain in the ass because of this. He is also a little bit of an asshole when on a mission constantly making rude jokes and never shutting the fuck up. Besides his problems he is a really nice guy all around who is always ready for a good ol fashioned bar fight. To his friends he is always nice but will always give his opinion. James is also very loyal to his friends and supports them when they are in need making annoying comment all the way. [b] Gear and Equipment:[/b] He mostly wears his pilot suit and has two m8 Kenaz combat pistols on both hips. As for any other fighting? Well lets just say that he lets his fists do the talking. [b]Fighter Customization:[/b] Both wings have a giant red white and blue middle finger on it. [b] Character Theme:[/b]