[center][h1][colour=DarkSlateGray]Tetsuya Nakano[/colour][/h1][/center] Rain danced across Tetsuyas' face as he awoke from his unannounced slumber. Just in time, as well, as he caught the end of the broadcast alerting students of the up and coming storm. He stood, and immediately felt the most unbearable headache, forcing him to sit back down again. After doing so, he was able to full look around the surrounding area. He wore an odd and completely unfamiliar uniform, belong to a school he didn't recognise. He looked across the nearby area of the massive campus, but no matter how hard he racked his brain he couldn't figure out where the school was in relation to his home. The school uniform was odd, and a school complex this big would have been on the news as some point, right? He dug his hand into his pocket to find his phone to figure out his location, but nothing he normally kept in his school blazer was in the new uniform; not his phone, wallet, pen knife - nothing. After standing back up, an unfamiliar teacher approached him as if he was a normal student, telling him to get to the shelter. Tetsuya had almost forgotten that it was raining, and by the time he did the rain had picked up significantly. [i]Why does this guy think I'm a student? I am wearing the uniform and all, but he must know he's never seen me before, right?[/i] he thought, standing and following the teacher towards the shelter; a teacher that didn't say a word the entire trip. On the way, he Tetsuya began thinking, about what could have led to him waking up at some random school wearing the uniform and without any of his belongings. Was he knocked flat on his ass and put in a coma, or did he just fall asleep after- no, he couldn't have. The last thing he remembered was picking the letter out of his locker and wondering what to do about it. He was a cautious man, yes, but an opportunity like a girlfriend was something he wouldn't let by so easily. He lost himself in thought so much, he didn't realise he had arrived at the shelter, and that no body seemed to care. Every other time a new student was seen in school people would be with them, asking questions etcetera. Not this time however, since all the students kept about their business without a care. Most of them didn't even seem concerned that there was a storm of unknown proportion outside. Apparently even the teachers didn't care that the storm was going on, or their students well being. The guy that came to get him seemed honestly dead inside, like a shit protagonist from an anime or something. As he stood around, he kept wondering about why he was where he was. He wasn't hungry, so he hadn't gone to get any rice, and all the clubs seemed rather dull. The only thing Tetsuya could think to do was wait for the storm to blow over so he could ask questions to either the head or the Student Council President. One of those must have had answers to his questions, provided they weren't dead shells like game NPCs. Maybe that was it; he was dreaming that he was in some game and everyone was just NPCs created to make the world seem alive and inhabited. Except one thing - some students, in clothing very similar to that of the "NPCs", walked around looking either confused or different. Like they had souls and were truly living characters, much unlike that dead eyed bodies that walked around the hall. He kept surveying from the side of the hall where he stood leaning against the wall, with his leg angled for support and his arms crossed.