『Sunday 9:30 AM』 As the alarm blares in his bedroom, with a tired groan, Zac slowly sits up in his bed, rubbing the back of his eyes as he does. The rain hadn't let up last night, so he had taken his chances with a cab after Sabine had left. By the time he got home, he made a beeline for his bed and collapsed face-first into it, the events of that night having tired him out much more than he had originally thought. Reaching over, he turns his alarm off and climbs out of bed, taking his time as he goes through his morning routine. After brushing his teeth and taking a shower, he makes himself a slice of toast and steps into the living room. Turning on the television, he flips through the channels for a few moments before turning it back off, unable to find anything worthwhile to watch. Deciding to take the initiative for once, he mutters to himself, "I don't have anything better to do. May as well see if I can start work early, today." He was supposed to come in around noon, but, unable to find anything to do until then, he decides to dress in his uniform, a pinstriped grey vest, white dress shirt, and grey pants. A few minutes later, he was out of the door. [hr] 『10:45 AM』 The little bell over the door rings as Zac steps inside the Shining Kettle. Seeing Shizuka at her post, he looks around to find that the place was empty, except for two people sitting at a booth. Deciding to take advantage of the downtime, he walks over to his co-worker with a smile. "Hey," he says. Noting a rather distracted look in her eyes, he asks, "Penny for your thoughts?" [@Stern Algorithm]