I don't feel like posting right now, it's a bit too soon. Plus I feel like letting shit sink in after what happened across the realm. Highgarden is going to be busy, and in some ways, I don't want to rush through what is going on. All of the characters on my end are sinking into what is happening, so I don't want to force say, the Vale or Riverlands to be left behind, nor Daenys. I want to see that colourful character too :) I am looking forward to seeing this. Shortly. Hehe, dwarf puns, no matter how shameless they are, they're there as material, and it would make me half a man to continue making them. :P Alerie is definitely a mixture of Olenna and Margarery, the red hair, I don't know how that can be explained mind (and no, she is no bastard, she is definitely a child of ..while interesting, I don't want to do that avenue of things). Garland, I genuinely can't draw comparison, he is no Loras, nor Mace, probably more like Willas or Garlan of Martin's description of the Tyrell family.