[hider=Some time ago] The crowbar came down hard on his left shoulder. The audible [i]crack[/i] sound of his collarbone snapping was followed by a shout of agony. Jacky crumpled like a piece of paper to the floor, clutching his shoulder in pain. The man wielding the crowbar dropped it on the ground and knelt down next to him. He gave a soft chuckle and patted Jacky on the back. “Don’t screw up again or I’ll break your fingers next time.” He said with a smile. The man stood up and walked over to a nearby table, he began to pour two glasses of whiskey. “Now listen up Jacky, you’re like a son to me, in fact you damn well are my son at this point.” He placed the glass of single malt whiskey on the floor in front of Jacky’s face. With a somber expression on his face he sighed, “It pains me to hurt you like this, but I went easy on you. With the shit you pulled and our rules, I should’ve broken more like Akio over there.” He gestured towards Akio in the corner who let out a pained groan, he was slumped over and had been beaten to a bloody pulp, a few of his teeth were missing and his face was so swollen he looked unrecognizable. The man placed a glass in Akio’s hands. With a pitiful attempt Akio tried to lift the amber liquid to his lips and subsequently spilled it all over the floor. “Fuck, Akio this shit is expensive.” The man said as he pulled a handkerchief from his suit and began wiping up the whiskey from the hardwood floor. With a pained grunt Jacky sat up on the floor against the front of the desk, he grabbed the glass and took a sip while eyeing Akio. “Yes sir, we will both be more careful next time.” “Good, now finish your drink and get the fuck out, also go downstairs for medical attention.” The man said as he tossed his handkerchief aside and began pouring himself a glass. Jacky lifted up Akio and slung his arm around his good shoulder, slowly they began to shuffle out of the office. “I don’t think I have to warn you both about what happens if you mess up again.” He called out after them as they walked down the hallway from his office. Akio spat out a tooth and muttered [b]“Yes Boss.”[/b] [/hider] Jacky stood in the park silently as he held the crystal in his hand, he was deep in thought. Focused and intent on learning all he could from this [i]Draco[/i] who was communicating through the stone. He closed and clenched his fist around the crystal as instructed by Draco. [color=a36209] Now focus, my boy! Feel it! The unshakable power of stone![/color] If anything Draco, had a taste for theatrics as well as shouting in Jacky’s head. Jacky focused and he felt rings wrapping around his fingers as the gem turned cherry-red like lava and began to take the form of a weapon. The knuckles cooled into a steel finish with an intricate design. [color=a36209]Ah! You’ve done it! This small weapon may not look like much but I know you understand it’s true power. As if you could shatter continents and remold them at your will! Let’s not be hasty though! Your power is still that of a mere whelp compared to what it could be.[/color] It was indeed impressive as Draco had said. Jacky felt the change in his physical abilities as well as a newfound innate understanding of his surroundings. He could feel the rocks, stones, and minerals in every direction as if they were extensions of himself. He could feel and see a woman walking through the park as she and her dog stepped on the paved sidewalk. Jacky opened his eyes and looked around. The woman was not in his visible range, it was as if he could see using the stones themselves. [color=a36209]Now focus more keenly, my boy! You can do far more than just [i]see[/i] with your new power. [/color] Jacky knelt down to the ground and rapped the sidewalk lightly with the knuckles. The sidewalk shook violently for a minute and began to crack apart as parts of it rose to the shape of a bench. Jacky took a seat on it and leaned back. [i]So what am I to do with these powers[/i] he thought. [color=a36209]Well first, my boy, you must find the others.[/color] Jacky sat up, [i]Others?[/i] [color=a36209]Yes, yes, quite exciting isn’t it! I will commune to you my knowledge on opening rifts and you will visualize the place you will meet them at! [/color] Jacky stood up and lowered the cement bench back into the ground, the cracks and seams in the sidewalk began to smooth themselves over as if they had never been there. He crossed the street and entered a dark alley. [color=a36209]Now do it.[/color] Jacky struck both hands into the brick wall of a building, his fingers dug right into the brick as if it was putty. [i]Amazing.[/i] he thought as he began to walk into the brick, the bricks and cement started to part around his body as he continued walking. He walked for a second until he stuck his hand out into what seemed open-air, with both hands he pulled the exit apart and stumbled out into the open. He turned to see that he had come out of a granite pillar in some sort of temple. The exit started to rumble and close until it was no longer there. Jacky looked down at his suit and saw that he was covered in dust. [i]I will have to work on that[/i] he thought to himself as he dusted himself off and joined the others.