A true warrior joins the fight! [hider=Sun's Disgrace] [b]Name:[/b] Liliana Stormshadow [b]Age:[/b] 184 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] High Elf [b]Race Overview:[/b] The near-immortal race of legend, Elves have walked the world since before time was counted. With lithe forms and pointed ears, Elves can be found nearly anywhere, in harmony with nature. High Elves in particular live deep in their enchanted forests and are rarely seen among more mortal peoples. When one does venture out, it tends to be an individual of strong will and great strength, or one exiled for great crime or shame. Oftentimes, it is both. Elven traits include sharp senses, low-light vision, and a prolonged life. High Elves in particular are extremely long-lived, and nearly all of them have hair one shade of blonde or another. [b]Titles:[/b] The Fallen Star (among her kin) and Sun's Disgrace (among her Order) [b]Appearance:[/b] Liliana's most striking features are her platinum blonde hair, which is straight and falls to her waist though it us usually tied back, and bronze eyes. Less noticeable, but still easily separating her from the other races around her are her larger than average pointed ears and sharp features. For an elf she is relatively thick of body, with curves to match, but do not be fooled. The majority of her mass is lean muscle, earned in her years on the front lines defending the Iron Coast from the initial Undead threat. [hider=A glance in the mirror...] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/58d2/f/2013/126/9/2/commission_rhea_by_zippora-d64amru.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Weapons:[/b] Redeemer Edge:: This curved, two-hand [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89241-who-will-tempt-fate-now-with-slightly-more-stuff/ooc]sword[/url] is Liliana's primary weapon. Runes inscribed on both sides of the blade glow golden in the presence of Undead. Upon striking many of the weaker Undead, the one hit will burst into gold flames and disintegrate. Against living opponents, this weapon appears to have no magical properties. The blade gleams like polished silver and the wire-wrapped hilt is inlaid with gold. Whisper:: A silverwood longbow, strung with unicorn hair. Though it will never break and is very powerful compared to a normal bow, it is otherwise unremarkable. Mithril Scale:: Though not truly magical, Liliana's armor is rather special. The mage-worked steel has a light blue tint and provides her a measure of resistance against magical attack, as well as making it incredibly hard and light. She wears scaled shirt of layered metal plates with only one pauldron, and a half-skirt of the same belted around her hips to cover her flanks. Her other armor includes mithril bracers and sabatons over leather gloves and breeches. [b]Steed:[/b] As a Paladin, Liliana once rode a unicorn, Andruin, into battle. She has lost the ability to summon her companion, and refuses to replace him with a mundane mount. [b]Abilities:[/b] Divine Grace:: Liliana is immune to most mundane sicknesses and disease, and will remain in the prime of her physical condition for many decades to come. High Elf Blood:: High Elves are naturally attuned to all forms of magic and can use any not specifically granted by a particular deity. Liliana is unskilled in most arts, having devoted much of her life to Sol and her blade. [b]Talents:[/b] Liliana is an excellent fighter with blade, bow, or her bare hands. She also has skills in herblore and forestry, as well as a vast knowledge of history. With her knowledge of the wilderness, she makes a wonderful scout, guide, and cook for any group on the road. [b]Magic:[/b] Natural Magic:: This magic calls upon mother nature to provide what is needed most, be that a simple meal or a raging storm. Small animals can be turned into messengers or a dead plant can be returned to life to give food or medicine. Liliana has not spent much time with this magic, but has perfected a single spell; one that calls down blast of lighting at a nearby designated location. It drains her considerably to use it often, but she can manage to pull it off at least three times a day. Sol's Gift:: As one Disgraced, Liliana has extremely limited access to her once-formidable array of holy magic. Where once she could have called upon the Sun's light to wash away legions of the dead, she can now only manage a single scalding ray projected from her palm. There was a time when she could recall a soul to its body and return it to proper life, but now she struggles to heal even minor wounds. [b]Backstory:[/b] As a youth, Liliana spent her time in her woodland home as a gardener and tamer of flying beasts. She married young, for an elf, and thought her life idyllic and wonderful. That was, until a thing almost unheard of among her kin came to pass. Upon returning from a hunt with her prized hawk she discovered her husband to be unfaithful, catching him with another woman. Showing a depth of emotion unknown to High Elves she struck down both in a fit of rage, killing them. This earned her the ire of her elders and race as a whole, and she was cast out to live among those less removed from the world. Lost and alone, she turned to a guiding light in the darkness. Liliana discovered her new purpose in the worship of Sol, God of the Sun. Aiding those in need and striking out against the forces of darkness, she aspired to become a Paladin. She was accepted into the Brotherhood of the Sun due to her exceptional skill and the high priest's orders, despite the Order's previous exclusion of women among their ranks. This led to her being disliked by many, but especially hated by the Knight-Commander, Orlan. When things started falling apart, she was dispatched to the Iron Coast with minimal support and only one other Paladin. During the original Undead threat Liliana was ever on the front lines, desperate to prove herself. In the end, this led to her undoing. In a particularly bloody battle the small group of soldiers she and her companion, Aren, had joint command of, was entirely wiped out. Before they were able to retreat, Aren fell to the Revenant leading their opponents. Outmatched and outnumbered, Liliana barely escaped with her life to report to the Order. In the end, Knight-Commander Orlan ruled that she was to blame for this disaster, and had her cast out. Disgraced and alone once more, she returned to the Iron Coast to seek her end. It has yet to come and now, many years later, she seeks to redeem herself in the eyes of her Order by ending this curse once and for all. [b]Starting Location:[/b] Campus Magnus [/hider]