[color=f49ac2]"Daddy, I want a booberry muffin!"[/color] the voice of a little girl begged her father, pulling on his pants legs. [color=6ecff6]"You mean, a [i]blueberry[/i] muffin?"[/color] the father corrected her. [color=f49ac2]"That's what I said! [i]Boooo[/i]berryyyy!"[/color] The blonde, messy haired man laughed at his small daughter's retort, tussling her hair a bit. His other hand held the umbrella that kept them both relatively dry in the pouring rain. She was a cutie, especially in her big purple jacket and fuzzy brown boots.. At 4 years old, she stood just below his waist, sported long blonde hair, and big blue eyes. Ever since she had come into this world, she meant nothing more than the world to him. Since today was Sunday, it was his day to spend with her. Unfortunately, it was a bit nasty out, but that wasn't going to dissuade Alban from doing something with his daughter. Currently, the young bespectacled father and his child were walking down Shine Junction, exploring the main stretch of Shine City. They hadn't done too much earlier in the day, except eat a light breakfast and get ready for a lot of walking. [color=6ecff6]"Okay, fine, Lucille. I'll get a blueberry muffin for you. There should be a cafe around here somewhere..."[/color] he mused before taking his daughter's tiny hand. Together, they walked about a half mile before finally stumbling upon a cafe. As he stood under the awning of the Shining Kettle to fold his umbrella, the smell of coffee touched his nose, and a deep craving for the stuff embraced him. Alban hadn't had a cup of coffee in years, preferring tea over it, so he thought he might as well grab a cup while he was here. Licking his lips, he wrenched open the door to the sound of bells and ushered Lucille in. The place looked about how you would expect it to look. It was homey and inviting, while the smells made it all the more comforting. Alban and Lucille strode up to the counter, the little girl's eyes filled with wonder. Placing a hand on his daughter's shoulder, his eyes flew up to the menu and scanned everything they had. The more he browsed it though, the more his head started to hurt. [i]Mocchiato, latte, cappuccino, espresso, antoccino, frappe, breve, espressino...[/i] Alban didn't really have a clue as to what kind of drinks these things were, and it definitely showed from the blank expression he wore. Who knew getting a coffee could be so convoluted? Suddenly, an exhilarated gasp came from Lucille's lips, and she started to point at a dark haired waitress who was talking to a coworker. [color=f49ac2]"WOOOW, SHE'S SO PRETTY! I hope I'm that pretty when I grow up!"[/color] the little girl exclaimed, hopping up and down. Alban laughed at his daughter's reaction and waved nervously at the waitress. Lucille's outburst had disturbed one of the very few patrons there, who slammed whatever book he was reading and promptly left the cafe, mumbling something about how awful kids were. A rosy wave of embarrassment filled out Alban's cheeks in response. [color=6ecff6]"Sorry, she's... very excitable."[/color] he fumbled out. As his gaze fell on the woman, he felt like he recognized her from somewhere. Probably from school since she appeared to be close to his age. The male waiter, on the other hand, he didn't recognize at all. [color=6ecff6]"Uh... you wouldn't happen to sell blueberry muffins here, would you? Also, can one of you recommend a coffee? I'm not exactly well versed in the art of coffee."[/color] he asked the two, messing with his hair as he did so. [@Stern Algorithm] [@Daxam]