[h3]Mark your calendars for Hoenn's most exciting event this year, the first annual [/h3] [h1]Interregional Avatar Festival![/h1] [h3]Open to all who want to celebrate the legendary Pokemon and the courageous humans who help them keep the world in balance. Events include over 200 booths, a parade, costume contests, meet-and-greets with the avatars themselves (pending their permission), and of course, Pokemon battle tournaments for all levels of trainers with fabulous prizes. Don't forget to cheer for your favorite avatar in the Tournament of Legends! To express our appreciation, proven avatars will receive[/h3] [h1]FREE[/h1] [h3]admission, as well as travel and hotel expenses paid! Join us in Mauville City from May 4-6![/h3] [right]Signed, Mayor Theobald Mayer[/right] [center]Sponsored by Porytech[/center] [center]******************************************************************************************[/center] The invitation spread by posters, emails, commercials, whatever means possible all over the Pokemon world. Thousands of people across the regions prepared to attend in the hopes of getting a glance at the mythical Pokemon-people they heard tales about. Even the wild Pokemon gossiped about the thrilling event. None were more excited than the citizens of Mauville City, a massive indoor complex that had recently become the most populous city in the world. Hundreds had busied themselves setting up booths and decorations. Many had prepared their own costumes of their favorite legendary Pokemon. And now, after four months of waiting, May 4 had finally arrived! Somewhere amid the crowded throng was a welcoming committee charged with the task of identifying and guiding the avatars. So far, all they had encountered were two obviously fake Groudons and a "Meloetta" who couldn't sing to save her life. They were starting to wonder if any [i]real[/i] avatars would show up... or if they would manage to find their way through the chaos.