Kimberly was excited to see things moving along when the Professors began moving everyone. They started to explain what they would be graded on, and how they would be graded. Kimberly nodded with each sentence; she didn't want to do poorly on something so exciting. Basically, work as a team to get the job done. It seemed like there couldn't be an easier task. As everyone moved, Conner was lost in thought, staring in the palm of his right hand. He wondered if he had what it took to succeed. Everyone else had a power it seemed they could be proud of; what did he have? Nothing more than an ability to boost their powers. He felt he was useless on his own. He wasn't even that physically adept. All he had was his intelligence. Conner sighed mentally, dropped his hand, and faced forward again. Whatever happened, he would just have to do his best. That philosophy hadn't failed him yet, after all. After dropping off their spare change of clothes in their lockers, they followed the others into what was introduced as "The Danger Room". In Conner's opinion, there didn't seem to be much else that could really describe it. Kimberly was in awe over the sight of the room. Neither of them knew what to think. Unfortunately, it seemed like there wasn't much time to think. The ceiling suddenly caved in, with a giant metal hand being the cause, which smacked Professor Pierce into the ground. Kimberly screamed in fear and Conner nearly swore in surprise, both of them backing off instinctively. Professor Everose was the next to fall, being shot down by some sort of laser. Kimberly fell backwards in fear and almost scrambled away, the only thing stopping her was the thought of what would happen to Conner if she were to leave him behind. Conner only stared at the metal face peeking through the hole in the ceiling, frozen in shock. Kimberly got back up onto her feet and placed both hands on his shoulder, saying, "[color=ed1c24]Conner, come on![/color]" Returning to the present, Conner looked at Kimberly, then finally noticed what the others were doing. Trying to form plans, preparing defenses, [i]working together[/i]. Conner looked back at the giant staring through the hole, thinking, [i][color=00aeef]If this is a trick, this would be an elaborate one for sure.[/color][/i] Then he returned to examine the situation. Their professors were incapacitated, if not [i]dead[/i], the exit seemed to be sealed shut, and all that was there to combat the foe was a ragtag team of mutants who barely knew the first thing about each other. Yet here they were, doing what they could to fight their new foe. "[color=00aeef]Don't bother, Valentina, neither of us would know where to aim,[/color]" Conner said, already shooting the plan to have Kimberly harness Val's copied electricity. Shooting blindly wouldn't do much at the moment, and would simply be a waste of energy. The Eco-Nazi was summoning plants to fight back, although Conner suspected that those would not last long. Conner looked over everyone he could to weigh his options. He could try to synchronize with Danny, but that would probably only serve to slow down the robot even further instead of actually stop it. Alex was an option, but their strength would not compensate for the difference in size. He would like to synchronize with Kimberly, but as of the moment, he didn't see a feasible reason for that at all. Conner toyed with the possible idea of some sort of railgun, but that had never been done before, and they didn't have ammunition to fire anyway. "[color=00aeef]For now, we evacuate,[/color]" Conner finally said. "[color=00aeef]None of us can hope to take that thing on. Our best bet on survival is to get out of this room.[/color]" Looking back at the exit, Conner asked, "[color=00aeef]Can anyone open this door, whether by force or some other method?[/color]"