Clary frowned a bit at Logan’s answer to her question and sighed. “I’m sorry. I wish I could help out someway, but neither group really likes me. Demons can’t touch me because of B, vamps don’t touch me because of you.” She said, but she gave a disgusted shudder. “Lo. Ew.” She said, “Just do me a favor, if you get some, put something on the door knob. I don’t use the door and I would rather not see more of you than I need to.” She joked. She didn’t answer his question about Billie right away. For one thing, Harlow and the Arch Mage had come down the hall, but the fact was she couldn’t lie to Logan and she was trying to figure out what to tell him exactly. Once they had left the hall, she sighed. “And B, she is…. Honestly I’m not sure right now. She’s trying to hold together, hence why shit escalated so badly. Normally she doesn’t even listen to Jackie. But with Alex out and Adrian having stirred shit up… I don’t know. Cole will know more. She’s supposed to be stopping by after she checks on Billie.” She explained. When he asked for help she smiled. “Sure! I think I can do that.” She said and once they got back to their dorm she sat on top of her dresser. She laughed. “I don’t use the door. Speaking of.” She tossed him two keys. “They’re both for the door, I just don’t use mine, so give it to someone you trust in case you can’t find me or your key.” She said before the knock came. Clary wouldn’t lie at the slight bit of hesitation when she saw Billie had come with Cole. However, her aura was just a murky grey now, which was slightly normal, but once she came in and sat beside Logan it became a light grey. The look that Billie gave Logan didn’t go unnoticed either, how the look was suddenly softer than silk. Clary shot a look to Cole who just gave her a smile and Clary answered Logan. “I have history. Gotta take notes for Jo. The nurse won’t let her out, saying she may have a slight concussion.” “Mind being a dear and letting me copy them before you give them to her. The Arch Mage is dismissing me from my next class.” Billie rolled her eyes and leaned back on Logan’s bed, her fingers tangling into her hair. “I have to watch Alex for a few days, Lucifer is up my ass, Harlow is going to be up my ass, and the Arch Mage is up my ass.” Cole looked at her. “I could sit in for you, sis. I have a free period, and Sal and Drake are in that class.” She offered, and Billie nodded. “Thanks babe.” She said, closing her eyes as tears came leaking from them, but she felt someone pull her up and felt Clary wrap her arms around her. Clary was one of the select few that got to see Billie like this, and Billie just held on to her as Clary stroked her hair. “B, you’ll be okay. Everything will be fine.” Clary said, and Billie nodded, trying to regain composure. It happened on a natural come down because her light half was coming back in. It was like an emotional roller coaster for her all the time, and her temper killed it every time. She could feel the dampness on her shoulder from Billie’s eyes and she watched as she backed away and wiped her eyes. “Sorry, but I can’t… I gotta go.” She said, and she exited the dorm and she headed off down the hallway and bounded off outside. Once she was outside she headed down by the lake, and she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, resting her head on her knees. If Logan hadn’t been standing right there with Jackie, she would have killed her. And she wouldn’t have stopped there. Once she found Devin she would have killed him too, and once vampires started attacking her she would have probably killed them too. Her rage made her want to kill and once she started it took a lot to get her to stop. She had managed to control herself because Logan was there. He had kept her from going over the edge. She knew why it was too. Her angelic half came out more around him because he was one of the few people she could relax around… not to mention, she could gauge his response to it if he ever found out about her not being a full blooded demon. Soon Storm appeared beside her as she began crying, and she wrapped her arms around him as he sat beside her. He just sat there while she cried, and she looked at him. “What do I do Storm? Alex is mad at me, Lucifer is lecturing me, and now I’m pretty sure I’m about to get in trouble because of what I just did. I wanted to kill her, Storm. I really did.” She whispered. He nuzzled his head under her chin for a moment and went back to sitting up straight. She nodded. “I know, I am just trying to calm down.” -- Clary watched as Billie left, and though she wanted to go after her Cole shook her head. “Gotta let her cool off, Clary.” Cole said. “She’s not on kilter right now, and she’ll be alright once she comes down from her anger.” She assured her. Clary gave a gentle nod before looking at the clock and sighing. “Lo, I hate to cut it short, but I better head to class early. Considering I did offer to take notes for Jo, and Cole and I should probably talk to Delia about her sitting in and taking notes for B too.” She gave him a smile and his arm a gentle rub before going into her desk drawer and pulling out a bright pink scrunchie. She placed it in Logan’s hand and smiled. “I won’t be coming back after classes right away. Cole, Sal, Drake and I are having a study group for ALD. This can be our signal.” She whispered, giving his cheek a chaste kiss before Cole stood up and nodded. “You know where to find us if you need us bro.” she said, walking out the door as Clary phased through the wall and they began heading towards Delia’s classroom. Cole gave a look to Clary. “I know you see it too.” “How absolutely in love they are with each other? How they are damn near perfect each other? How they are too damn stubborn to do anything about it? She won’t make a move because it’s not in her , he won’t make a move because he’s afraid she doesn’t feel the same.” Clary sighed and shook her head. “They need each other.” Cole nodded. “I know you’ve noticed the aura thing too. He calms the storm and she brightens his world.” She said, and Clary nodded, “Plus, they have complimentary auras.” “For the love of Lucifer and God and whoever else, they just need to be together.” Clary said. “And I’m trying so hard to get him to see it.” “Want extra hands?” she asked and Clary gave a look as they took a turn and continued down the next hall seeing Alex walking rather slowly out of his dorm room and in the direction of the infirmary. When they made it up to him, Clary looked at him and Cole spoke. “Need some help, bro?” “No thanks.” He said, and they saw him begin to take better steps. “Is Jo alright?” “Yeah. She should still be in the infirmary.” Clary said. “You going to see her?” “Yeah. Thanks guys.” He said, and they noted the large hell hound tagging along behind him. “And tell B I want to talk to her when you see her again please.” “Got it bro.” Cole said as she and Clary continued on. “So what’s our plan of action?” she asked and Cole gave an almost devious grin as they entered Delia’s classroom. -- Adrian wasn’t in the mood for this shit today. He was going to pop if he wasn’t careful and he would hurt people which wasn’t good at the moment. Then Molly’s voice came into his ears and he shot her a look, his eyes slitting rather than turning black with his anger, his arm lighting up in a similar fashion that Alex’s had. He moved at her, putting her between him and the wall, his eyes continuing to take on more drake form before he spoke. “Listen here, [i]righty [/i]. It’s a setback, but I can come back from it. Don’t. Fucking. Doubt. Me.” He growled almost animalistic. He let her move away, but his anger nearly got the best of him until the last of her comments about Logan came into his ears. Was she joking? Was this really her attempt at getting him in bed? Well, either way. Challenge accepted. “You are one sick bitch you know that?” his voice was still a low growl as he walked over and lifted her over his shoulder with ease. He brought her down only momentarily to his eye level, and he ran a hand through her hair, and she made him look into his eyes. He clicked his tongue a moment, his eyes not having changed for a minute before he kissed her roughly, biting her bottom lip and drawing a small bit of blood. “If you point me in the right direction.” He began, his breath a against her neck, “I’ll show you there’s no man left, just beast.” He hoisted her back up on his shoulder, taking her directions. -- Alex finally kicked his feet over the edge of the bed, pulling on a pair of dark sweat pants, his movements slow and shaky for a moment, but he couldn’t rest. He was riddled with worry about Jo, and he headed out of his dorm as Clary and Cole came around the corner and they spoke to him. So she was still in the infirmary, and class was about to begin, but he sighed and moved onward. Ash was following him, and he was sure it was until he got to Jo. He tried his best not to show how much weakness was there, but as he headed about, Justin caught sight of him. “Dude, Al, we have to talk.” He said, putting his arm around his shoulders and helping him walk. Alex gave a thankful nod before speaking. “What’s wrong Justin?” he asked. “Well, there was asked fight between our new blood and some vampires. The vampires started it, but we do have other issues at hand.” He said, and Alex looked at him, they stopped just outside the infirmary. “Issues that Billie can’t handle? Look, Justin, I know that her methods are a bit unorthodox, but she does keep us from getting too beat up or killed.” He said, quietly. “She has done well, better than anyone else could have, and it’s the only positive trait she has taken from our father.” Justin sighed. “She cast Adrian out.” Alex gave a dark chuckle. “He was never one of us to begin with. He’s a player in the wrong game here, and if it was up to me, he’d be burning at the stake for the shit he’s done.” “She was willingly going to give him up… I’m assuming that he did do the attack and that she had no idea about it.” He said. “She hasn’t approved an attack in ages, but you should have seen it when she had hold of him. She like paralyzed him and it wasn’t pretty. She had that look in her eyes again when she looked at queen bitchpire.” Alex sighed. “Were going to have to watch her around bitchpire then. She’s just hot right now, but if she doesn’t calm, she will kill her. There’s no denying it. Too much happened at once, and if you see her, tell her to come find me.” Justin nodded, and he patted his shoulder, “Got it, man.” Alex watched as Justin headed off, about to head into the infirmary when he saw Blaze coming out and he gave a gentle grin. “That’s my girl. Your pups are in the room, go see them.” He said to her, watching the hound bound around the corner and he smiled when he saw Jo. “Look at you, feeling alright?” he asked before gathering her into his arms and placing a kiss to her temple. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you of I did.” He apologized.