Trix listened intently to the pleasant woman. She'd never heard of Kerawac, but it was a big world out there. However, she stiffened at the mention of Screamers. When she looked at the woman and her smirk, she realized what it really was. The blasted woman was joking, albeit a tasteless one. Joking about being a Screamer was really bad, nearly everyone knew someone that had died to a Screamer raid. Trix was now regretting offering the first cup to someone with such a sick sense of humor. The woman said she was here to enjoy the festivities, and Trix believed that, at least. That's why everyone came to festivals. She tossed the zest into her sauce pan, then squeezed the juice from the fruits in ass well. She then wrapped the cloves and cardamom in some cheese cloth and set it in the saucepan too. She added the sugar, cinnamon sticks, and water around the cheese cloth, filling the pan. She knelt down and stuck it in a hot part of the fire, bringing it to a simmer, swirling it to dissolve the sugar, since she couldn't stir at this angle. After checking it several times, she moved it to a stone so that it was at a lower heat, now able to stir it occasionally, until it was reduced. She then poured this mixture and the brandy into the cauldron, and tasted. She then repeated this entire process several times, over several slips, only half listening to the woman's awful joke continue. Once it was to her liking, the mulled wine in the cauldron now simmering, she smiled. She ladled it into a cup, and handed it to the crude woman, a fake smile on her face now, not enjoying the company one bit, [color=f6989d][i][b]"First cup, as promised."[/b][/i][/color] She poured herself a cup as well and sipped at the sweet, warm goodness. She considered giving the woman a talking to about such jokes, but figured someone else could bother. Wasn't her place. Then she heard a tiny, high pitched voice nearby. She turned and saw a fluttering fairy woman there, smiling at her, before awkwardly excusing herself. Trix watched her go, over to the next stall across the way, realizing that she must be quite shy. Fairies weren't terribly common here, but they weren't unseen either. Trix realized that she had no fairy sized cups or anything, but wanted to give something to the shy woman. She pondered at the conundrum, then had an idea. She reached into her cooking kit, and grabbed the smallest bowl she had, often reserved for spices. She then carefully ladled it into the tiny bowl, and left her stand to walk over to the woman, [color=f6989d][i][b]"You sounded cold, drink, my gift. I am Trix, welcome to the Winter Moon Festival."[/b][/i][/color] She looked back over at her stand to make sure the woman wasn't doing anything untoward, but there were knights everywhere. A thief or vandal would be caught rather quickly, and a few probably already had been. [color=f6989d][i][b]"Why don't we head back over to mine, very warm by my fire?"[/b][/i][/color]