[b]Character Name[/b]: Elik Hel'kayik [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Race[/b]: Aranok [b]Homeworld[/b]: Spacer. [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Elik] [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/4903/i/2010/149/9/2/khestran_portrait_sketch_by_zaetak.png[/img] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/1485/i/2010/160/d/2/loki_soldier_armor_concept_by_zaetak.png[/img] 7'1" [/hider] [b]Personal History[/b]: Elik was born and raised on a starship, as expected from someone that lives on a ship he is a fairly good engineer having been taught by the crew. The ship's crew were Nomads usually wandering the outskirts of league space but occasionally they would be hired by the league to aid in exploratory expeditions. Elik learned to fly some of the ships used to go down to the surface when they were gathering resources or salvage, even some small fighters used to fend off pirates. Eventually they were approached by a DefCom captain about another exploratory mission. During the expedition this Captain, A Captain Wayland Hayle, was impressed with his technical aptitude and offered him a place in his crew, which Elik gladly accepted. Rather than bring him through the academy however, Hayle called in a favor and had a few records changed, Making Elik a pilot under his command. Elik served on Hayle's ship for sometime until he received a transfer order to a squad known as "Wylde Fyre". In order to avoid suspicion he went along with the order. In the time before he arrived Hayle provided him with some files on some of the squad's known members. He found himself attracted to the squad's leader and upon seeing that a hobby of her's was archery, and looking it up to see what it was, he decided to give it a try himself. He found he enjoyed it and would practice whenever he could in the few months it took to get to the [i]Heart of Valour[/i], even designing a bow for field use. [b]Personality[/b]: Elik is carefree and friendly but a bit of an odd one, he rarely observes the formalities of ranks within the DefCom navy and can sometimes be found in strange places, not attempting to hide rather simply being there, he was once found taking a nap in an air vent. While he does fine aboard ships, when he is in a large crowded area he will get nervous and quiet and may move closer to a friend for comfort. if he is left alone in a crowd of people that are strangers to him he might panic. He seems to have a thing for Erien, often referring to the squad leader as "Fluffles" and finding ways to sneak into her quarters. the latter he does for two reasons: 1.) The bed in there is insanely soft and 2.) It smells like her, it's a plus for him. [b]Gear and Equipment[/b]: [list] [*]Modified Aranok flight suit [*]M54 ABR [*]M8 Kenaz Sidearm [*]M47 TacSword [*]Custom collapsing bow - Something of Elik's own design, This bow can collapse down to allow for easy stowage and carry. Fully collapsed it can hold 8 arrows with it, due to this limitation he uses it more for recreation than combat[/list] [b]Fighter Customizations[/b]: